Chapter 25

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"Iris, Tony! You have a letter from school!" I was in my room with Mikey, Frank, Gerard, and Ray, enjoying our last weekend of vacation before having to return back to hell. Cinder was nestled on my lap and purring softly as I rubbed her back.

"Could you pleeeeaaaase bring it up here for me?" I begged loud enough for her to hear. I heard her sigh and come up the stairs. She walked through the door, which she told me to keep open, and crossed her arms when she saw Mikey and me. Mikey blushed and pulled me off his lap and just held his arm around my shoulder.

"That's better," she said with a laugh. "Here you go, Iris. I'm ordering pizza later, are you guys staying?"

"Who can say no to pizza?" Frank asked. My mom laughed and shook her head.

"I'm getting just cheese so that you know," she announced before leaving.

"What does the letter say?" Ray asked. He was plopped on my desk chair spinning around. Cinder got off my lap and jumped on Mikey's shoulder.

"It's probably some stupid letter about my behavior and how they expect better from me," I sighed as I opened the envelope.

"But then your brother wouldn't have gotten one," Gerard pointed out.

"You know what, you can suck my dick," I told him and tossed him the trash. I unfolded the letter.

"Dear Parent(s) of Iris Quinn; As the principle of Belleville High School, I feel like it is my duty to express to you that we will no longer have our fellow students dress freely as they chose to. Over the past years, I have seen many students abuse the dress code and I find it best for them to go into uniform. This will help the learning environment be less distracting to those who surround them. Please take your time to come by this Saturday to pick up your child(ren)'s new uniform at Belleville High School. We will be there from 8 AM to 5 PM. The cost will be $150 per uniform. It includes khaki slacks, a blazer, tie, dress shoes, and school designed shirt for boys and a plaid skirt, flats, tie, blazer, and school designed shirt for girls. The dress code will be enforced at all time. Thank you for understanding this sudden change and we look forward to a year filled with learning and enthusiasm. Sincerely, Mr. Brown." The five of us sat in silence for a while.

"Well I guess we get to see Iris in a skirt," Frank said after several minutes. "I bet Mikey is excited for that."

"I was going to say something but never mind," Mikey said. I blushed. He's seen me without pants before, but that was an accident. Mikey pulled me on his lap again and kissed my cheek. I leaned on his shoulder and scooped Cinder into my arms.

"I fucking hate uniforms," I whined.

"Same here," Frank grumbled. "Catholic school sucks. Especially if you're gay." I grinned and noticed he was sitting on Gerard's lap. How cute.

"Mom!" I called out. "I have news about school!"

"Is it news I want to hear before pizza?"

"Well, it's not bad news if that's what you're asking." She came up the stairs and narrowed her eyes at Mikey and me. I just sheepishly smiled at her. "We have school uniforms now. And we need to get them on Saturday. They're $150 each."

"Well, that's just stupid," she said with a frown. I handed her the letter. "I don't see why they would do it in the middle of the school year."

"That's Belleville for you," Gerard said with a shrug. My mom just shook her head.

"Okay, we'll go on Saturday to pick them up. But we're going earlier than it says here because you know how I hate crowded places with teenagers," she said and put the letter on my desk. "Pizza should be here soon."

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