Chapter 28

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"Iris." I glanced over at Mikey. We were at the bookstore he works at. Well, where we work at. I got a part-time job here since late January. "Guess what?"

"Unless it involves food, I don't care." He gave me a playful scowl. "I'm kidding. What is it?"

"The guys and I are considering going out on a trip."

"Really?" I placed my sketchbook aside. I was completing a sketch I had done of Mikey. "Since when has this been going on?"

"For a while." He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Gerard came up with the idea. We all pitched in, but yeah, we're saving money to go somewhere. Maybe back to New York, or a road trip over the summer." I smiled and kissed him.

"Am I allowed to come?"

"I don't know, Gerard said not to tell anyone so you can't say anything about it or I can get in trouble." I laughed and shook my head.

"Wow, okay, I won't tell anyone." He smiled and pecked my lips. "When's your shift over?"

"About an hour or so. It's the same as yours, dummy," was said with a chuckle. "Why?"

"Because I'm hungry," I whined. "My stomach is going to eat itself if I don't get any food."

"You're such a drama queen."

"No, that would be Gerard."

"Damn right it would be me." We turned and saw Gerard and Frank had gotten into the store. "And I have your donuts."

"Thank you! I'll pay you back tomorrow." He handed me the box and I grabbed one of the glazed donuts. "You are a lifesaver." He laughed and grabbed one for himself.

"You don't have to pay me back. But damn, why are you so hungry? All this week you have been hungry." I blushed and looked away. "Better not be pregnant, Beast."

"Dude!" Mikey exclaimed and smacked his arm.

"I'm just saying! Last time I saw someone like this, Mom was telling me I was getting a little brother." Mikey and I smacked his arm twice.

"No, I'm not pregnant," I said and took a bite out of my donut. "But I have the munchies so." Mikey grabbed one of the donuts and started to eat it. "You're not supposed to eat near the books, Mikey."

"You're the one who asked Gerard to get you donuts."


"Mhm." I rolled my eyes and grabbed another donut. He wrapped his arm around me and started poking my sides.

"See you guys later. Frank and I have something to do."

"Bye!" I waved goodbye at them. "Thank you for the donuts."

"Anytime, Beast."

"Bye Mikes, bye Queen," Frank said to us. They left the store, the little bell ringing after their presence.

"Does this still mean I still have to get you lunch?"

"Oh most definitely." He sighed playfully and messed with my hair. "I am still hungry."

"Well, you have five more donuts to go through before our break." I groaned in annoyance. He pecked my lips. "Come on, you lazy butt. We have to unpack a new shipment of books."

"Do you realize what a danger it is to have me working in a bookstore?" I stood up, putting my box of donut behind the checkout desk.

"I do, trust me, I have to keep making sure you don't smuggle any books away for yourself." I scoffed.

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