Chapter 2

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The schedule is set to be three classes before lunch and three classes after, every single student ate at the same time. My pre-calculus went like hell. The teacher, Ms. Gomez, made me do a problem in front of the whole class to prove that I had the right skills to be there. My third class was World History. It went pretty well. No one tried to bother me. The lunch bell had rung and everyone scattered out of the classroom like wild animals, I put away my books and pencils and walked out after them. Everyone was either running to the cafeteria or standing by their lockers. I saw Frank talking to two guys; one had very curly hair and the other had black hair. If I weren't so stubborn about wanting to be left alone, I would socialize with them. Someone pushed me, making me nearly trip down the stairs. I glared at the group of guys, Tony was with them and he was laughing with them. I left and went to the cafeteria. There were different lines for different kinds of food. I was hungry since I didn't eat breakfast, but I didn't want to wait in line. I searched for a place to be able to be in during the lunch period. I found an empty table at the back. I started reading my book and ignored everyone around me. Someone sat in front of me, it was Tony. "Why aren't you with your new friends?" I spat out.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he apologized. "I didn't know it was you when they pushed you."

"We made eye contact, Tony. Seriously? Is this how you're going to be making friends? Did you forget the reason we moved in the first place?" I snapped. "I don't want to talk to you anymore." He looked a bit hurt but left. I remained silent and continued to read. I was beginning to get irritated as the cafeteria grew louder and rowdier. I decided to get in line for food now that the lines were shorter. I stood up and grabbed my bag and walked to the shortest line. I waited for a few minutes but eventually got my food. It was a turkey sandwich with a carton of milk, carrots, and chocolate pudding. I wasn't going to eat the sandwich because I'm a vegetarian, but I could still eat the rest. I tried walking back to my table but was stopped by three people, each holding a tray.

"Hey, freak. How does it feel to be disliked by everyone on your first day?" a brown haired girl asked. It was Matilda, the girl from the hallway and my first class. I didn't reply, just stared at her blankly. She snapped her fingers in front of me. "Hello? Did you not hear me, are you deaf or just flat out retarded?" The whole cafeteria was watching now.

"Are you done, because I have better things to do than listening to you talk," I asked. Matilda slapped my tray out of my hands. The whole cafeteria laughed, a few were just looking at me in pity.

"Aren't you going to pick that up, bitch?" she asked. I smiled sweetly at her. I grabbed the end of her tray and threw it at her. I turned around and walked away with my head held high. I glared at anyone who got in my way. I left the cafeteria and decided to walk around to calm down from the event. I ended up at the end of the school's property lined with trees and a chain link fence. I was still outraged. I punched the nearest tree and fell to the ground.

"You are a feisty little girl," a voice spoke through nature's noise. I looked up and saw a guy with black hair and hazel eyes rimmed with eyeliner sitting on one of the tree branches. He was smoking a cigarette. He jumped down and landed in front of me. I stood up, trying to make myself less approaching. He was a few inches taller than me. "Gerard." He extended his hand out for me to shake.

"Don't care," I said in an annoyed tone.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. All that hate is going to come bite you in the ass one day," he said and took a drag of his cigarette. "Want one?"

"I don't smoke," I told him in disgust.

"Neither did I, but now I do. It helps with the stress and anger," he, Gerard, explained. "Try it."

"I'd rather not," I reminded him. I walked away, not interested in his company anymore. He walked next to me, cigarette no longer in hand.

"Are you hungry? My friends and I are going out for food, wanna come?" I stopped walking and turned to face him.

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