Chapter 8

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It was lunch, the thing we have all been dreading the most. "Do we have to go to the cafeteria?" Ray asked.

"I'm hungry, so yes," Frank said. "We'll see what happens." We walked into the cafeteria and sat at a table in the back. Frank was shoved into a locker again after his second class, but I was left alone mostly. I put my head down and yawned.

"How are you still sleepy?" Mikey asked me. "You slept like twelve hours."

"Stop tracking how much I sleep."

"You snore."

"Deal with it."

"You kick in your sleep."

"Not a surprise."

"You talk in your sleep." I looked up.

"What did I say?" I asked.

"You were being chased, I think. You kept saying 'go away'. I thought you were talking about me." I shook my head. Last night was the first time in months since I've been able to have a good night's rest. I usually have nightmares or I keep waking up.

"You make a good pillow," I told him. He grinned.

"Really?" I nodded. Frank, Ray, and Gerard went to get lunch.

"I was thinking..." I started.

"Don't hurt yourself." he joked. I glared at him in a playful manner.

"About the concert." He looked at me with interest. "And I thought of it over and over again."


"I'd like to come with you," I said. Mikey sent me a radiating smile.

"Really?" I nodded. "It's going to be amazing! We're going to New York City on Friday and Gerard has a whole thing planned for me on Saturday for my birthday then Sunday is the concert. Like oh my god, this is the one thing I have been looking forward to all year." I smiled. He looked so happy. "We get to meet them before and after the concert. I just want it to be Friday already so we can leave then Saturday then freaking Sunday. Can you hear my excitement?"

"I can, I can also see and feel it," I said with a laugh. I saw some people walk over here. Mikey's smile faded.

"Why are you losers so happy? What's there to be happy about? Did one of your friends finally killed themselves?" Matilda taunted.

"Or did Mikey boy over here finally fuck you?"

"Hey! Leave them alone," Gerard shouted. He, Frank, and Ray were standing behind them.

"What are you going to do about it, pretty boy?" Gerard threw his food at him. Frank and Ray did the same. Mikey and I acted quickly and grabbed everyone's bags and ran. The five of us ran away and didn't stop until we were outside. We couldn't see anyone behind us, so we walked to where I first saw Gerard smoking a cigarette.

"What are we doing here?" I asked when we all regained our breaths.

"We're going for food," Frank said. "Since all our food was dumped on Franklin."

"Where are we going to get food?"

"There's a corner store a few minutes from here," Ray stated. "We do this almost every day."

"You sneak out?"

"Yeah, you haven't?" Gerard said. "Oh my god, you are a good girl in disguise."

"Shut the fuck up," I snapped.

"No fighting. Do you want to come with us?" Mikey asked.

"Might as well. Nothing good will happen if I stayed here on my own." We walked down the fence and trees lining the perimeter. The guys stopped at a particular tree.

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