Chapter 10

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The day was dragging on. I was in gym class; we were playing tennis. Coach finally told us to change. I ran to the locker room and grabbed my bag. I changed into my regular clothes and got out. I placed my gym clothes in my locker and waited for the bell to ring. Some people crowded around me. Oh come on, just one day of no bullying would be a blessing. I ignored them.

"Going somewhere, freak?" one of them taunted. Why is the bell taking so long to ring? Someone pushed me against the wall. I shoved her with twice the force she used. "I heard your brother say that you're hiding something under your shirt."

"It's called skin, haven't you ever heard of it?" I snapped.

"What are you hiding?"

"Your cuts? Are you cutting yourself?"

"Do you have scars?"

"Are your boobs fake?"

"Only one way to find out." They pounced on me. The five of them ripped my shirt off. I tried fighting them away. My Iron Maiden shirt was in shreds and my torso was exposed. Their laughter slowed down to nothing. They stood there looking at my scarred body.

"If you tear anyone, I will go to your home and shave your hair off. Don't think I won't," I threatened in a menacing voice. They looked at each other before running away. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom stall. I was so close to crying. I pulled my phone out and called Mikey.

"Hey, are you still in the locker room?"

"Yeah...yeah. Some people attacked me."

"Are you okay?"

"Define okay."

"Are you hurt?"

"No, but they ripped my shirt off and I don't have another one to wear."

"Oh my god...okay, is anyone there?"

"No. I don't think anyone is. I'm in the bathroom stalls."

"Okay, I'm coming in." I hung up and heard the locker room door open. "Iris?"

"Over here," I shouted.

"What happened?", he asked and leaned against the stall door.

"Five girls came at me and said that my brother told them I had something hiding under my shirt. They ripped it off to see what it was. They ran away when they saw my body." I could feel he wanted to ask what it was, but he didn't say anything. "I don't have another shirt besides my gym, but that one is all sweaty. I don't have a sweater either."

"Here- just wear mine." He passed me his shirt over the door. "I'll just wear my hoodie until we get home."

"Thanks.", I whispered. I took off the remains of my shirt and pulled Mikey's black Metallica shirt over my head. It was massive on me. I put my ripped up shirt on my bag and walked out. He laughed when he saw me.

"It's a dress on you." I smiled. "You look good in it. Come on, or Gerard is going to rip our heads off for taking too long." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. "We're spending a whole weekend away from this bullshit. Just remember that." I smiled and nodded. We walked out like that. When we saw the guys, Mikey dropped his arm.

"What took you so lo- why are you wearing Mikey's shirt?" Gerard asked.

"Long story," I said, not wanting to talk about what happened. We started walking home.

"I'm going to sum it up and say that you guys had sex in the locker room," Frank said. I smacked him in the head.

"No. Some bitches ripped my shirt off," I scoffed.

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