Chapter 41

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"Little sister?" Mikey repeated through the phone. I sighed and sat down on my temporary bedroom. "I don't know what I expected, but I didn't know he had another daughter."

"He only has her. I'm not his daughter," I said sternly. Mikey stayed silent for a few moments.

"I am sorry," he said at last.

"I miss your hugs," I stated out of nowhere. I think I surprised him since he stayed quiet for a minute. "I felt safe in your arms. I feel and vulnerable here. I love you so much."

"Princess, you know I miss you more than Frank misses hot lesbian sex." I laughed so hard, my sides began to hurt.

"That was the greatest thing I have heard all day," I said, a few chuckles escaping between my words.

"Was my love not enough?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, it's more than enough," I responded with a grin. "It's what keeps me going. Knowing one day I'll see you again and we'll be together again."

"We're teenagers. We have the whole world in front of us."

"We'll conquer the world together. Won't we?"

"I'll need you as my queen by my side."

"You need my pretty face."

"I need all of you," he said, his voice suddenly serious. "I love you with more than anything in the world. Without you, I probably wouldn't be here anymore."

"Don't say that Mikey," I told him with a strained voice. I hate when Mikey talks like this. "The whole world isn't about me."

"I need you in my world. You make up my whole world." I smiled to myself. "I think I can manage to convince my parents to let me go back to Jersey for my birthday." My heart leaped in hope. "But I will be 18, so nothing can stop me."

"Michael James Way. You are not talking about running away."

"Well it wouldn't be 'running away' technically..."

"Mikey," I said in a warning tone.

"Still, I will move heaven and hell until I am by your side again."

"We're not star-crossed lovers, Mikey. This isn't a movie; this isn't a fairytale." My voice cracked. "This is real life, and real life has consequences." Mikey gave a deep sigh. "I think if you were to climb my window one more time, my mom would chase you out with a broom." His laugh echoed through my head. It was a sound I grew to adore, spreading warmth through my heart. The tension seemed to ease away from us.

"So how many books did you end up taking with you?"

"Ten, I think. That might not be enough, though." His laughed echoed through the phone again.

"How are you handling the news of having a step-sister? You're avoiding the subject by distracting me with your words of love."

"I was not; I was pointing out a simple statement that has to be repeated multiple times in a relationship so the feeling of affecting gets shown as mutual."

"You could have only said 'I love you' you know," Mikey said with a laugh.

"Well that you already know, I have to keep this entertaining for both of us," I stated with a smile. There was a timid knock on my door. "Give me a moment; someone decided to knock on my door."

"Keep me on the line," Mikey said as I stood. I opened the door partially and looked down to see little Cassandra.

"Tony said to tell you that lunch will be ready in ten minutes," she said with a smile. She had red curly hair and dazzling brown eyes. Freckles were scattered around her face and she had a toothy smile.

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