Chapter 45

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Iris' POV

Now that I'm being homeschooled, I get to wake up any time I want. Also meaning that Mikey gets to have a normal sleeping schedule. Frank still comes over almost every day after he finishes school. Muffin and Cinder love my permanent stay at home. Even my mom seems calmer with me being homeschooled. I have less things to worry about now, plus, I get to stay in my pajamas all day.

I woke up happy today because today is the year anniversary of me dating Mikey. Wake up you beautiful dork, I read. I smiled and sent Mikey back a message. I was very, very sad that we couldn't be together for this day. I sent him a gift last week so he could get it today. Today was Saturday, so I had no homework to do. My phone rang and I answered Mikey's call. "Hey, dork. Guess what today is?" he asked.

"It is Saturday, why do you ask?" I said with a grin. "It's also the day before your birthday."

"We've been dating for a year, dummy," he told me. I smiled, glancing down at my cats.

"Don't you think I know that?" I asked him. "Have you opened your gift yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. I was waiting for you to wake," Mikey said. I bit my lip slightly and tried to stop from grinning so much. There was a knock on my door.

"Gimme a moment, Mikes." I unlocked the door and opened it. My mom was there holding a small box in his hands.

"For you," she said. I frowned as I took the box. She left without another word.

"You wouldn't happen to have sent me a small box along, would you?" I asked.

"You too?" he said. "I just got a box from my dad."

"Strange. Very, very strange," I thought aloud. "Should we open it? I mean, it could be a bomb." I heard his laugh through the receiver.

"I don't think our parents want to kill us just yet," he informed me. I took the lid off the box and peered inside. Inside, there was half of a heart with words engraved into the silver. "Did you plan this?"

"I didn't," I answered while shaking my head. "Does yours have words?"

"Yeah. Mine says You Can Run Away With Me. What about yours?"

"Anytime you want," I said with a smile. "I think our parents stalk us."

"I love mine. I don't know about you," Mikey said.

"This is amazing," I expressed. I placed the necklace on my neck. "I don't think I'm ever taking this off."

"Good. I want you wearing it when we see each other again. Which could be any day."

"Then, in that case, I'll make sure I have it on every day," I told him with a smile. "Open your gift." I heard some rustling coming from his end. "I didn't know if I should buy something or make it personal so I decided to create something." I decided to paint one of the pictures I had of us. It was on a canvas and I worked hard on it through the summer.

"Iris, this is amazing, Iris." I smiled.

"Only the best for you." I grabbed a teddy bear and held it tightly. I felt embarrassed for some reason.

"Now I feel like my gift is going to be lame."

"I'll be the judge of that." I opened the box and smiled at what I saw inside. "Mikey this is so sweet. Especially since you have no artistic capability." Inside the package was a large vase with paper mache flowers painted different colors.

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