Chapter 30

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I went to my room to grab some things and called Mikey. "Hey, what's up?" he answered.

"Chris is here with my mom. She just told me to get out so she could talk to him. Can I come over?" I asked while biting my lip nervously. I sat on my bed and immediately, Muffin jumped on my lap while Cinder started pawing at my legs.

"Yeah of course," he said sincerely. "Are you coming right now?"

"Yeah, I'm just going to grab my things for tonight so I don't have to make two trips, you know?"

"Just walk in and come to my room when you get here," Mikey said. "I'll try to tidy up."

"Alright." I hung up and tossed my phone aside. I grabbed a messenger bag and shoved in my makeup and a dress that seemed appropriate for tonight's plan. Cinder started meowing, wanting attention from me. I scratched her belly. I grabbed my phone and sent a message to Mikey: I'm bringing my cats. I placed Muffin in first and she happily curled up. I held Cinder in my arms since she still doesn't like Muffin that much. I made my way downstairs and heard the angry shouts of my mom.

"You can't just take her!" I heard. I paused at the front door. "She's my daughter!" I quickly left, closing the door quietly behind me. What are they arguing about? I'm not entirely sure I want to find out. I walked to Mikey's front door and hesitated before opening the door. It always felt weird to do that, even though I've been in here a million times and I know the whole family. I quickly went up the stairs to Mikey's room and opened the door.

"Jesus freaking Christ!" Mikey shouted and held his hand over his heart. "You scared me!"

"Sorry," I apologized. "I didn't want to bump into your parents. It's always awkward when I walk in without knocking."

"You just rushed in here like someone was chasing you. Shit, Iris." I sat down on his bed and kicked my shoes off. Muffin jumped out of the bag and started walking around Mikey's room. "I see you brought your children." I chuckled slightly.

"Cinder was wanting attention and I couldn't just leave them there," I explained with a small smile. He wrapped his arms around me and leaned back on his bed.

"You look like you need a hug," he muttered and stroked my hair.

"I always need a hug from you," I mumbled back. "I hope this doesn't ruin our date for tonight."

"It won't. For all I care, we can dress up fancy and order pizza." I smiled slightly and kissed him.

"I love you. And I'm sure my cats love you too."

"I feel so honored," he said with a smile. I rolled to the side and sat on lap.

"You have a soft tummy," I said. Mikey rolled his eyes and pushed me back so he was hovering over me.

"You have a soft butt." I started laughing uncontrollably.

"God, you give me a reason to love you even more every day," I said after my laughing fit. I saw a pained expression run through his face before he replaced it with a bright smile.

"Well, I'm not lying. And your butt is nice to look at." I wrapped my legs around his waist and pushed him forward so I was sitting on him again. "How nice." Cinder jumped on Mikey's chest and started prancing around. Muffin got on my lap and started purring loudly.

"Do you think we can take them with us when we run away to Canada?" I asked.

"I hope so," he sighed out. "Or else I would have a very angry Iris with me."

"Well, I can't just leave them behind." I noticed how I am still wearing my school uniform. The skirt was raised up significantly so you can see most of my thighs. I felt slightly embarrassed for some reason.

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