Chapter 24

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Mikey's POV

I regret almost every choice I've made, it's not going to make a difference. Her words kept repeating over and over again in my head. Did she regret dating me? She kept smiling at me. I knew it was hurting her. It was either because if her new piercings or because I wasn't paying attention to anything. Or her for the matter of fact. She is a heartless person. I shook the thought out of my head. Iris isn't heartless. If she were, then she wouldn't have said she loved me. Maybe she regrets saying that as well. "Gerard, got any cigarettes?" I asked impatiently. He was looking at Frank with fascinated horror.

"They're in the car," he waved me off. I placed Iris on the seat next to me and got out. Through the window, I could see her gaping at me with a confused and hurt expression. That makes two of us. She knows I smoke every once and a while. I just never do it in front of her because I know how much it bothers her. But right now, I didn't care. I feel strange. I haven't felt like this in a while. I didn't like it. I felt emotionless. Was this how I was when before I met Iris? I leaned against the car and lit the cigarette up.

"Mikey?" I turned and saw Iris had walked out of the tattoo parlor and was looking at me with kind eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful. They light up whenever the sun rays shine on them and light up even more when she talks about something she loves. A mixture of hazel and green, more green than hazel. Like a green field with orange and yellow flowers scattered around. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, why?" I questioned, blowing the smoke away from her face. Wow, blunt answers. Haven't said those in a while.

"You're acting different," she said slowly. She rested her icy cold hand against my arm and smiled lightly. "You can tell me anything. It's Christmas Eve and I want to spend it with you." I shrugged, making her arm fall to her side. I threw the rest of the cigarette away.

"I'm not acting differently. And of course I want to spend time with you," I told her. "Let's go back inside." I walked in, Iris trailing slowly behind me. Frank was still getting his tattoo finished. I sat down and continued reading the magazine I found earlier. Iris sat next to me and played with the ends of her, technically my, sweater. She started talking to Gerard about something. I wasn't paying attention. I was in the middle of my third magazine when Frank's tattoo was finished. He paid and we finally got to go home. Iris leaned her head against my shoulder and I lazily wrapped my arm around her. She smiled at me and I just turned to look out the window.

"It's awfully...quiet..," Frank pointed out to Gerard. Gerard shot us a frown and just shrugged. Frank pulled up into our house's driveway and parked the car.

"I'm going to get something from my house. I'll be back soon," Iris mumbled and ran out of the car. I watched as she vanished into her own home. I walked inside and found my mom in the kitchen alone. I think Frank and Gerard went to Gerard's room.

"Oh, hey Mikey," she said when she saw me. I just waved at her and served myself some coffee. "Did everything go well in the hospital?" I nodded.

"Her mom should be out today," I added. She nodded.

"Poor Iris. She's been through so much," she said while shaking her head. She glanced at me with a frown. "Where is she anyways?"

"She went to go get something from her house."

"Strange." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Oh, it's just you two are inseparable. Even before you told me you two were dating, you were always right by each other's side."

"Oh," was all I could say. "I mean, she needs her privacy. If she wanted me to come, she would have told me. She's right next door; she'll be back any minute."

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