Chapter 11

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"Any desserts?" Carlos asked as he cleared our plates.

"You guys wanna eat it here or to go?" Gerard asked.

"I'm tired so let's have it to go," I suggested.

"5 chocolate soufflés sound good?"

"You promised us ice cream," I said with a pout.

"5 chocolate soufflés with ice cream," he added. Carlos furiously wrote in his notebook.

"Anything else?" Carlos asked.

"Banana Cream Pie," Mikey said.

"Coffee Cake.", Frank continued.

"And five fudge cakes," I added lastly.

"Make it six," Gerard corrected. "Thank you." Carlos walked away with a shocked expression. "Well everything is paid for, might as well take advantage of it." We laughed. A few minutes later, Carlos came back with our desserts in a to-go box.

"These are on the house, Iris," Carlos said and handed me a box of chocolate truffles. "As a gift for our reencounter."

"Oh, um. Thanks," I said awkwardly, flashing him a smile so I wouldn't seem rude.

"Let's go," Mikey said impatiently. The five of us left the restaurant satisfied. Our car was handed back to us. We sat on our seats and Gerard started driving to the hotel. I opened the box of chocolate truffles and ate one. It was rich with flavors. I held one up for Mikey. He ate it and smiled. I leaned against the window and looked at the view.

"The city is so beautiful at night," I whispered. "With all the lights. I could recreate it so many times in my head."

"The city that never sleeps," Mikey whispered back in admiration. I nodded. It was around 9:30. I leaned into Mikey and yawned. We arrived at our hotel. We got in and went to our hotel rooms.

"See you guys tomorrow," Frank said. This time, no sex joke was commented. The three of them got in their room. Mikey opened the door. I fell on the bed. He closed the door and laid next to me. He pulled me against his body and kissed me. He rolled around so he was on top straddling my lap. I tangled my fingers into his hair. He lightly bit my lip before pulling away slightly.

"If you want me to stop, I'll stop," he mumbled against my mouth.

"Just kiss me." I pulled him down and kissed him. I did what he did before and bit his lip. I have no idea what I'm doing but I think I'm doing it right. He opened his mouth a bit wider. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat up and pulled me along with him. We both pulled away to catch our breath. I rested my head on his shoulder. I lightly kissed his neck. His breath fanned around my ear. I kissed up to his cheek. He smiled.



"Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered in my ear.

"I gladly will be," I said and kissed him. "I'm going to go shower. I'll be back." I kissed him one last time. I grabbed my bag and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and started my shower.

*Mikey's POV*

I saw her walk to the bathroom. She's so beautiful. Something about her just attracted my attention ever since I first saw her. I'm more confident near her. She's so cute and talented and smart. Everything about her is amazing. I heard the water start running. A quick thought of her naked and wet ran through my head. Okay, let me get out before it gets out of hand. I knocked on the bathroom door. "Iris, I'm going to be with the guys."

"Okay!" she shouted. I left and knocked on the guys' door. Frank opened it.

"Did you use protection?" he asked with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked past him. I found Gerard next to a window smoking a cigarette.

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