Chapter 22

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Mikey's POV

She looked peaceful as she slept. It was one in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I rubbed Iris' arm every time she stirred in her sleep to calm her down. There was a knock on my door. I groaned, not having the energy to get up. And I also didn't want to wake Iris up. The door opened and my mom's head poked in. I groaned again and covered my face with the blanket. "Michael, I told you to leave the door open," she scolded quietly. "I don't feel comfortable with the door closed while you're in here sleeping with your girlfriend."

"Does it look like we're having sex right now?" I asked angrily.


"Mom, she doesn't like sleeping with the door open. I closed it so she could sleep. I was going to ask you earlier if it was okay, but you just waved me off," I said and propped myself on my elbows. "We're just sleeping. That's all there is to it." She sighed but decided to leave, closing the door after herself. I laid back down and rubbed my face. I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I sighed and rolled on my side only to find Iris' wide eyes staring back at me. "Jesus fucking- Iris!" She giggled and kissed my nose. "You scared me." She wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but you and your mom cannot talk quietly," she whispered back. I trailed my hand up and down her back and smiled. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"Because I'm not sleepy," I said with a shrug. Iris placed her hand on my stomach and rubbed small circles. "And you're supposed to be asleep."

"Says the one who hasn't slept yet."

"If you don't get your ten hours of sleep, you get cranky. I can live off with two hours and still be energetic." She stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed and kissed her forehead.

"I'm worried about you," she confessed. "You haven't been sleeping at all and you're worrying me."

"I'm fine, Iris. I am," I told her. "There's nothing we can do about it."

"There is one thing..."

"I am not going to the doctor for my insomnia."

"But Mikey-"

"No, Iris." She sighed and held my hand tightly. "I'm fine."

"Are you really?" she mumbled. I kissed her softly. She kissed me back hesitantly. "I just worry about you, dork." I laughed softly.

"I can manage myself," I told her. "I'm fine. So go to sleep now." She rested her head on my chest and was soon asleep. I sighed and tried to get some sleep myself.

Iris' POV

I woke up to a cat meowing. I opened my eyes and saw Cinder at the bottom of the bed. I reached over and scooped her up and placed her on my chest. She meowed softly and slapped me with her small paws. I giggled and touched her forehead softly. "Are you going to ignore me just to play with your cat?" I turned and saw Mikey had woken up.

"That's a possibility," I said and kissed his cheek. "Cinder needs more attention since she's still a kitten."

"Meow," he said with a pout. We started laughing. I hugged him tightly and played with his hand. "Breakfast? It is Christmas Eve."

"Sure. No meat, of course," I said. "Can you take me to the hospital after breakfast so I can see my mom?"

"Of course. I think Gerard can drive us," he said and sat up. He kissed me gently before pulling me to my feet. I placed Cinder down on Mikey's bed then we went down to the kitchen. Don was in the kitchen drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. "Morning, Dad."

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