Chapter 14

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I was currently seated on the ground, leaning on Mikey. It was around 5:30. Frank and Ray were talking to some people in front of us while Gerard smoked a cigarette nearby. Mikey and I were playing patty cake to pass the time. It's hilarious if you look at us from afar. I took a drink from the water we had brought along. I pulled my legs to my sides and touched my toes to stretch and not get sleepy. I placed my feet against Mikey's feet and then reached over and tried to reach his hands. We managed to do so, but it only lasted for a few seconds because it was starting to hurt. I rested my head on his lap and sighed. "I just want to get in already."

"Just half an hour and we'll be inside already."

"I thought doors don't open until 7?"

"VIP, dummy, we get in at 6. We're gonna fucking meet them."

" guys look so adorable," someone said. We turned around and saw two guys and a girl, waiting in line behind us, looking at us. It was the girl who spoke. "Are you two dating?" Mikey blushed slightly and looked down at me, implying he didn't want to talk.

"No, we're not," I said with a forced smiled.

"Oh...what a shame. You two look really adorable."

"We're just friends," Mikey added.

"That's what they all say," the guy to her right said with a laugh. Gerard put out his cigarette and walked back to us.

"Oh god, sit over there, you stink of cigarette smoke," I complained.

"That's what happens when you just finished smoking a cigarette," Gerard replied sarcastically. He sat next to me and continued to speak, "You made friends."

"Sure, let's call it that," I mumbled. Only Mikey heard me because he cracked a smile.

"I'm Gerard. I have the feeling these two haven't properly introduced each other. That's Mikey and that's Satan."

"Are we still gonna stick with the whole Satan thing?" I asked. "I don't mind, just clarifying for future situations."

"Yes, we're sticking with Satan," Gerard stated.

"That's cool, is your name actually Satan?" the girl asked and sat down in front of us.

"No, it's Iris. Satan just happens to be my nickname now." I sat up and scooted backward so I was between Mikey and Gerard. "What about you?"

"I'm Lindsey, just call me Lyn-z," the girl said. "These are my friends Bryan and Carlos."

"Hey," Carlos and Bryan said at the same time.

"Yo, Frank, Ray, come over," Gerard called back with a slight whistle. Frank sat down, still smoking a cigarette.

"Put that shit out," I complained. "I still want to have clear lungs." He blew the smoke in my face then put it out. "Asshole." I rolled around so I was on Mikey's other side, away from the two boys that smelled of cigarette. "This is Lyn-z, Carlos, and Bryan."



"So, do you guys live in New York?" Lyn-z asked.

"Why do strangers ask us that first?" Gerard said with a small laugh. "Do we not look New York-ery enough?"

"No, Beauty, not at all," I said.

"Shut up, Beast," he grumbled.

"Where are you from, then?" Carlos asked.

"New Jersey," Frank said. The three of them made a face. "What?"

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