Chapter 46

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Mikey's POV

It's May. I'm officially graduated from high school even though there are still three weeks left. I should be back home with my parents, celebrating this. After I had told them the news, I went to my room and packed a bag and left the house immediately. Currently, I'm driving to New Jersey in my dad's car with Maggie and her girlfriend Lily. We were taking turns driving. I have my license and enough money to travel over there. My mom is probably throwing a fit, but my dad has my side on this story. I've been driving for twelve hours. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. "Mikey, you're crazy," Lily reminded me for the hundredth time. They're really my only friends in Los Angeles.

"You two are the ones who ran away from home," I stated. I pulled by the side of the road so I could switch spots with Lily. It was around three in the morning. Iris was out with her mom all day and couldn't talk much, so it was easier for me to drive.

"Technically we didn't run away if we're telling our parents were we went," Maggie said to me.

"I told mine I had a sick friend in New York who needed help. She let me come," Lily added. "I may or may not have told her that Maggie was coming. My mom isn't too keen on Maggie being my girl."

"Clearly that hasn't stopped you." I leaned back in the passenger seat.

"You should get some rest," Maggie told me. "We still have another day till we get there."

"I know. I'm trying to think of what I'll tell Iris when she tries to call or text me," I replied while gnawing on my lip.

"Just tell her you're coming," Lily said. I rolled my eyes.

"Then that takes away the surprise," I told her. "I'm going to call a friend over there."

"It's three in the morning."

"This guy never sleeps," I stated as I dialed Frank's phone number. "Yo."

"Yo to you too," he said. "You realize it is like 5 am here, right?"

"I do. What's your point, you're awake aren't you?" I said. Maggie laughed and shook her head. "Shh."

"Who are you with?" he asked with a yawn.

"Some friends. Listen–"

"Female friends? That sounded like a girl's laugh," Frank said. "Are you cheating on Iris?"

"Frank if you ever suspect that I am cheating on Iris with my only two friends, who happen to be lesbians by the way, then I will take the closest object and shove it up your ass."

"Lesbian friends you say?" he asked with a laugh. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, I get your point. Why are you calling me late at night and where are you going with your lesbian friends?"

"Currently we are somewhere in the desert heading to New Jersey," I said as I looked out the window. "And I called you because I need you to have Iris ready when I get there."

"You're coming?!" he exclaimed. "Wait, Iris doesn't know?"

"No, she doesn't, and you will not tell her," I warned. I checked my watch. "We should be there in a day. Maybe less."

"You're driving here?" Frank asked.

"Frank! That isn't the point right now," I stated in frustration. "Yes, we are driving over there." I sighed. "You can't tell Iris. I'll call you when we get there."

"Only if you're friends want to double date with Gerard and me," he firmly stated.

"What would be the point of that, Frank? Why do you want to hang out with my lesbian friends?"

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