Chapter 15

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Iris' POV

Someone started shaking me rapidly. I grumbled and turned the other way. "Wake up, you little shit." Well, that was friendly. "Iris, get up. You have to shower." I opened one eye and glared at Mikey.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"Like 6:30. Go shower, but be quick because others have to shower too," Mikey ordered. I groaned and got under the covers again. He pulled the covers off and dragged me out of bed. Literally. I hit my elbow on the floor.

"Ow!" I yelled out in pain.

"Sorry," he said with a sheepish smile. "But it looks like you're awake now. So please go shower now." I rubbed my eyes and noticed where I was.

"Why am I in your room?" I asked.

"Because when we got here, you wouldn't wake up and it passed my mind to take you to your house." I rubbed my face and yawned. "You are not going to sleep. Go shower; you know where the bathroom is." I groaned again and stumbled as I grabbed clean clothes to wear.

"I'm wearing your shirt," I told him as I grabbed his black Anthrax shirt. I went to the bathroom and quickly showered. I felt uncomfortable showering in other people's house. After I was done, I changed into Mikey's shirt along with shorts and ripped tights underneath. I walked back to Mikey's house and attempted to dry most of my hair.

"You look nice." He was shirtless at the moment and was doing his hair. I looked away, blushing slightly. "Come on. You've seen me shirtless before."

"It doesn't make it any less awkward," I commented and sat on his bed. I pulled on my shoes and walked to Mikey. I moved in front of him and started working on my makeup. Black eyeliner and black lipstick. Mikey wrapped his arms around me and planted butterfly kisses on my neck. I smiled and turned around to meet my lips with his. After a few moments, we both pulled away. "Go put on a shirt." He gave me a quick peck before changing into one of the shirts he got for his birthday. "I'm going home to get my school stuff." He nodded. I walked back home and knocked on the door. A few moments later, Tony appeared. He tried closing it again, but I stuck my foot in and walked in.

"Why are you back? You should've just stayed away," he shouted as I walked to my door. I unlocked it and gathered my notebooks and assignments. Something came running through and jumped on my bed.

"Pearl!" I exclaimed in joy and picked her up. I stroked her white fur. "I missed you so much!" She meowed in happiness and started to purr. "I have to go, soon. I'll see you later, okay?" She meowed again and jumped on my bed. I kissed the top of her head and then gathered my things. I passed by my mom's room and knocked on her room. I opened it slowly and saw her asleep. I closed the door and decided to go back to Mikey and Gerard's house. I slung my bag over my shoulder and went to the kitchen.

"Morning, Beast!" Gerard said too loudly. "Breakfast?"

"Got any cereal?" I asked. He pointed at the top of the fridge. "Any tall person who could help?" They laughed, but Ray got up and passed me the cereal. I poured some into a bowl then added milk and grabbed a spoon. I sat on the counter and ate. Mrs. Way walked into the kitchen and gave us a small frown.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to school already?" she asked. I checked my phone and saw we had less than ten minutes to get there and we lived twenty minutes away.

"Ha-ha, oops?" Gerard said with a sheepish smile. I jumped off the counter.

"Hello, Iris. Happy to see you again." I smiled in response. "Off to school, all of you." We gathered our things and rushed to school.

"See you guys later!" Frank shouted as we turned a corner to our classroom. We quickly regained our breath and walked through. We sat in our seats, embarrassed that we were ten minutes late. Why does it feel like I forgot something?

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