Chapter 20

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I sighed and placed my pencil down. I'm finally done with my exams. For some stupid reason, gym class made us take an exam. I glanced at Mikey who was sitting next to me on the gym floor, noticing he was already done. "Finally," he jokingly whispered. We stood up and handed out papers to the teacher.

"Have a nice holiday vacation," he told us. Mikey and I grabbed our things and left the campus. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"What?" he said with a laugh.

"Nothing," I stated with a grin. "What did you get me for Christmas?"

"You'll find out in two days when it is Christmas," he said with a knowing smile. I groaned in annoyance.

"Please tell me!" I said with a pout. "You know I hate surprises."

"Then that gives me even more of a reason to not tell you." He leaned down and kissed my pouting lips. "Stop pouting. You're making me want to kiss you even more." I pouted again. I jumped on his back and made him carry me. "Of course you would." I giggled and kissed his cheek. We made it to my house and sat on the couch.

"Can I get a hint of what it is?" I asked. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassseeeee!"

"Hmm...let's see...well, Gerard hates the present since it is in our house."


"Not going to tell you."

"Gerard has been sick all week with the cold."

"Is it the cold? He was just sneezing a lot this morning," Mikey said with a shrug. I glared at him and pouted again. He tackled me down on the couch and hugged me tightly.

"Mikey! Get off me, you dork!" I said while laughing. He started tickling my sides and pinned me down on the couch. I started laughing like crazy. I managed to push Mikey off the sofa and regained my breath. I got on top of him and tickled his sides. He tried keeping a straight face, but he lost control and started laughing like crazy. I leaned down and met my lips with his. We pulled away slightly.

"You know this doesn't mean I'll tell you what you're getting for Christmas," he said after a while.

"Dammit!" I exclaimed with laughter. We sat back on the couch and decided to watch a movie. I cuddled with him and smiled. "Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, what is it?" Mikey responded. He glanced down at me with sincere eyes, the movie temporarily forgotten. I leaned into his ear, noticing his blush when my lips brushed against his skin.

"I think I love you," I whispered in his ear. He stayed silent for a few seconds.

"I think I love you more," he whispered back. I smiled and kissed him. This is the first time we have shared our 'I love you's. He caressed my cheek and held me tightly. We pulled away from each other when we heard a door open. I smiled widely at Mikey, ignoring the person who just walked into the living room.

"Well, isn't this sweet," Tony said bitterly. "Get out. I'm going to play some video games." I rolled my eyes and rested my head back on Mikey's chest. Mikey grinned and rubbed my sides.

"Well, I'm watching a movie with someone, so you're going to have to wait," I told Tony and brushed him away. "You can come back in an hour." Tony snarled and stormed off to his room.

"You're not even watching the movie, are you?" Mikey asked.

"Nope, not at all," I said with a grin. I rolled over so I could face him. I brushed my lips against him.

"You're beautiful," Mikey mumbled. I blushed and kissed his nose. There was a knock on the front door.

"Ugh, I don't want to get up," I complained. "Come in!" Gerard and Frank came into the living room. "Hello."

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