Chapter 31

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The car ride was silent. I think Gerard knew what happened since he remained silent as well. I sighed and replayed the conversation Mikey and I had.

"No..." I breathed out. "No! You can't leave!" Tears were already spilling over my eyes. I stood up from the swing and paced around. "No, Mikey!" He stood up and wrapped his arms around me. I cried freely into his chest.

"I don't want to leave," he whispered softly. "But I can't do anything about it. My parents are already looking for houses. I wish there were something I could do."

I glanced at Mikey to see he was already looking at me. His eyes were slightly puffy from the crying episode we shared earlier. I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.

"What's going to happen to us?" I sobbed out. He held me tightly.

"Nothing...unless you want it to change." He pulled away slightly and sighed. "I'll understand if you want us to stop dating."

"Mikey, I can't do that. You know I won't break up with you just because you''re moving away." I pulled away from him and looked at the empty park. Mikey wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "This isn't fair."

The car stopped and we were in the Way's driveway. "Here we are, guys. I have to go to work so get out."

"Thanks, bro," Mikey said and got out. I remained quiet and got out with him.

"Later Mikes, bye Beast," Gerard dismissed. I walked to my house with Mikey after me.

"Iris, please don't be like this," Mikey begged.

"I know it isn't fair," Mikey whispered. I shrugged him off and ran a hand through my hair.

"After years of being so fucking depressed and having my bipolar disorder and dealing with bullies, I find you, Mikey. You were the only one who actually cared about me. I'm happy with you by my side."

"Iris, please don't do this," he cried in despair. "I know you're hurting right now. Don't push me away."

"I don't want to. I'm sorry." I covered my face and felt more tears coming out. Mikey hugged me gently.

"I know it isn't fair," he whispered. "I wish it was fair. You make me happy. I need you with me." I buried my head on his chest and tried to control my tears. "We'll make it work. I promise." He gave me a tender kiss. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Mikey."

I opened the door and walked in. "I'm not doing anything, Mikey."

"Iris?" My mom walked in from the hallway.

"Iris, I know it's hard. But please don't isolate yourself from me." I sighed and walked up the stairs, Mikey following me close behind.

"I just...I don't know what to do right now," I confessed and went into my room. I didn't bother closing the door since Mikey was already behind me. I sat on the bed and covered my face with my hands.

"Well you can start by not pushing me away," Mikey said. He crouched in front of me and pulled my hands away from my face. "You know I would never leave you behind. I don't have a choice with this."

"I know," I said hoarsely. "I know." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. We laid back on the bed. "I'm going to miss you." He pressed his lips against mine.

"Don't talk about that. All that matters is the time we're going to have together," Mikey mumbled. "I should go so your mom doesn't bother you about it. I'll come back later if you want."

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