Chapter 34

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Iris' POV

"How long do I have to stay here?" I asked my mom.

"Probably a day or two. Just for safe measures," she answered. She looked at her watch. "I'm going to have to go. Mikey, would you keep an eye on her for me?"

"Of course I will," Mikey assured her. My mom sighed then nodded. She kissed the top of my head and left the hospital room.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and placed my hand against his cheek.

"I'm fine. A little nauseous with all the needles you were poked with, but I'm all right."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Will I get sick if I kiss you?"

"Probably," he told me.

"Well, I don't care," I said and leaned in to kiss him. I felt him smile and wrap his arms around me. He pulled back and played with my hair. "How long do we have together?"

"Iris, let's not talk about this now," he said with a sigh.

"You've kept avoiding the question since we first found out. I want to know how much time we have together before we're ripped away from each other."

"I leave in early June." I closed my eyes and hugged him tightly. "Let's not think about that. Please don't get sad."

"How can I not get sad, Mikey?" I sighed and shook my head. "I'm not angry at you. You know that." He kissed me softly. "I want to spend every second with you while I can."

"We will. It'll happen, okay? We'll stay together." I held him tightly. "I'm not going to leave you alone anymore. If I'm sick, you're sick too." I laughed and held his hand.

"I'd like that, actually. I don't like school at all." I pecked his cheek. "I like you, though."

"Well I love you and I hope you never forget that." I blushed and looked down. The heart monitor began to beep faster with my increasing heart rate. I blushed even more. "Awe, did I made the tough one feel embarrassed?"

"Shut up," I said and elbowed him slightly. "You're the only one who actually made the tough one have feelings."

"You're cute," he said.

"You're adorable."

"I'm not the one connected to the heart machine," he said with a smug smile. I leaned in close to him so our lips were less than an inch apart.

"So I don't make you nervous at all?" I whispered, our lips brushing as I spoke. He leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled back and laid down on the bed.

"You're a complete flirt," he said with a small chuckle. "I love you so much."

*Last hospital day*

"Come on you dork," Mikey said. I closed my eyes and rolled to the other side. "Get up. Nap time is over." I pulled the thin blanket over my head. "I have ice cream for you." I pulled the blanket down and looked at him with narrowed eyes. He held up a plastic bag. "Chocolate Ice cream fudge."

"You are the worst," I said and pushed the blanket off. I took the wires that were connecting me to heart monitor off before getting out of bed. "Clothes?" He held up another bag. "Out."

"Awe, but I bought you ice cream," he said with a pout. I grabbed the bag and pushed him out. He laughed and closed the door. I changed into the clothes Mikey grabbed for me, skinny gray jeans and a Metallica shirt. My bruises were still pretty bad. Mikey poked his head in when I was putting on my shoes.

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