Chapter 43

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"What's wrong with you?" my mom asked. "How could you run away like that?" She was in Chris' house by the time I was forcefully taken back.

"I didn't run away and it's not like I want to be here either way," I snapped. "Are you here to take me back home or are you just dropping by to yell at me?"

"Iris, I know this is a lot of change for you to handle," she said calmly. I stared at her. She sighed, finally giving up on trying to reason with me. "Yes, I am taking you home. Pack your things."

"Thank you," I exasperated and headed to my room to pack. It didn't take me long; I just shoved everything into the suitcase. Who cares about organization when I'm desperate to get out? I had my phone taken away the second I saw my mom waiting for me. I dragged my belongings to my mom's car and waited for her to get in. She was arguing with Chris. Probably about me, but I don't care. A few minutes of arguing, she was heading to the car.

"You're grounded. I hope you realize that," Mom said as she began to drive.

"It's not like I have anywhere to go or anyone to talk to," I said, looking out my window.

"He's just a boy, Iris. He's not the whole world."

"Whatever, Mom," I said with a sigh. I rubbed my head.

"It's not hard to accept he's gone, Iris."

"I know he's gone, Mom!" I shouted. "He's in California and I'm in New Jersey. I already know that."

"Then why do you act so reckless?" she questioned.

"Because I miss him and he was the only reason I had friends."

"You still have Frank."

"Who is leaving by the end of this year."

"What is it you want me to tell you then?" she asked. "Because I'm running out of patience, Iris."

"I don't want you to tell me anything because there's nothing to say," I screamed. I shook my head. The rest of the car ride was silent. When we got home, I wordlessly headed up to my room. Muffin and Cinder jumped on me the second I stepped inside. I smiled and picked them, taking them to my room with them. I flicked the light on and groaned when it was still dark. The light was out. I dropped my bags and placed Muffin and Cinder on my bed. I opened my curtains and let the late sunshine pour through. Sunset is bound to happen at any moment. I sat on my bed with a sigh. Cinder jumped on my lap and began purring loudly.

"You should thank me for giving you your phone back," my mom said as she entered the room. She tossed me my phone and I caught it before it hit the floor. She left before I could say anything. I called Phil first, since he must be worried about what happened. I rubbed my temple and waited for him to answer.

"Iris! You're alive!" Phil greeted.

"That I am. For now anyways," I said. "How are you and Dan?"

"You were dragged away in the middle of a movie theater and you ask if we're okay?" Phil said with a laugh. "Iris, we're okay. The movie was terrible actually so you didn't miss much."

"I'm sorry you two had to witness that," I told him. "You haven't seen me in a fight, have you?"

"I've seen videos. But not first hand."

"Let's keep it that way," I said with a sigh. I stared at my dark room. "I have to go. I need to work out some things."

"Take care. Bye."

"Bye." I tossed my phone aside and sighed. I ran my hands through my hair and laid back on the bed. I hate life right now.

Mikey's POV

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