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This story is based on a world of mixed animes. basicly i have taken every anime i have ever seen and mashed them together into one realm. the pirate themed idea comes from the anime one piece. it should also be noted that because this world is made up a lot of these things didn't really happen in the actual shows or manga. also due to weird age line complications i've decided everyone is age 19. No, just because they are older or younger in some cases does not change their power level. 

crew list:

crystal- (myself not my real name) the captain of the world's strongest crew of pirates! (yeah shut up i know it's from one piece! but i like pirates!) basically my captain's back story is going to be explained right from the start of the story ;) i hope you like it!

gaara- (naruto) - my co-captain gaara of the desert or the sand or whatever... he's on my crew because who doesn't love gaara! i think he'd be great... wow my crew is reallllllly OP >.> 

sasuke- (naruto) - proficient in both ninjutsu and sword play sasuke has made his way onto my team because i feel his sharingan could be quite useful.

rock lee- (naruto) - training for years in the art of taijutsu in order to become a splendid ninja without the use of fancy genjutsu or ninjutsu. rock lee is on my crew because of his outstanding push forward no matter what attitude... i feel like he would give the most interesting motivational speeches if the rest of the crew were feeling down. 

katsuragi keima- (world god only knows) - he's the navigator... also crystals love interest. 

roronoa zoro- (one piece) - a swordsman great for fighting just about anyone! the great roronoa would be a perfect member to any crew because his constant annoyed personality keeps everyone else in check.

sanji- (one piece) - a great cook but also very skilled when it comes to fighting. the ladies man of the crew. likes patty

cress- (pokemon black and white) - not only a fantastic cook but good at working with others too! and he's cuteeeeeee.... *fangirl* cress's talent with food combined with sanji would make for fabulous meals ;) 

grey fullbuster- (fairytail) - my crews artist... grey can use the element of ice to build whatever his mind can think of. naturally i would put that talent to great use ;) also when nights are cold and everyone else would be to cold to watch out for ships or land... grey would not be bothered by the cold so i would send him out on watch.

justin law- (soul eater) - quiet keeps mostly to himself. doesn't have much interest in the crew               -currently i had no more use for him in the story so i decided to write him out of it... but he is in the beginning so i left his name here-

death the kid- (soul eater) - like sanji is a master of martial arts good for making the crew stronger. also a plus that he happens to be the son of the grim reaper... :P also another thing he does is keeps the ship perfectly symmetrical. :P 
liz & patty- death the kids weapons. liz is kid's love interest whereas patty ends up with sanji.

erza- joins because she is worried about grey. she is a weapon specialist and gaara's love interest.

katrina - because i needed more girls on the ship. this is a made up character from one of crystals fanfictions who some how got mixed into the mashed up world.

kiba- (naruto) - a skilled tracker with a good nose. also i very strong addition.

tenten- (naruto) - weapons expert.

*spoilers* please don't read this before reading the first 18 parts. i needed notes on my part 18 so i wouldn't forget who was doing what. but this is notes based on part 19 when i start my journey through the pokemon islands.

three characters were chosen to be trainers for the fact that pokemon are given 6 to each trainer. however i had too many members for that so i had to use keima as an extra trainer. it worked out better for the story then i had expected. 

trainer: Crystal

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trainer: Crystal

grey / glaceon - a ice type like grey i chose glaceon because it reminds me of grey. in this form glaceon wears greys necklace.

sasuke / houndoom - a dark and fire type i chose houndoom because his personality is both fiery and dark. 

gaara / sandslash - a ground type i chose sandslash because it made sense. in this form sandslash has red spikes instead of brown.

erza / gardevoir - a psychic and fairy type i chose gardevoir because i felt erza would be a fairy type but with a strong telekinetic power. in this form gardevoir has red hair instead of green.

zoro / snivy - a grass type i chose snivy because i thought his personality better reflected in a grass type. most people would have chosen scyther but i still think snivy is the way to go. in this form snivy has zoro's mossy hair on top of its head.

katrina / purrloin - a dark type i chose purrloin because it is a purple cat.

trainer: Cress

death the kid / umbreon - a dark type i chose umbreon because it felt right. in this form kid has one ear with three white stripes the rest of him is perfectly symmetrical. 

liz / minun - an electric type i chose minun because its the pretty much same as plusle and i wanted twin pokemon for the twins sisters. in this form minun wears liz's hat.

patty / plusle - an electric type i chose minun because its the pretty much same as plusle and i wanted twin pokemon for the twins sisters. in this form plusle wears patty's hat.

tenten / mudkip - a water type i picked this because after going through the list of all the possible choices my brother yelled when in doubt mudkip! and it stuck. in this form mudkip has tenten's hair.

rock lee / hitmonchan - a fighting type i chose this pokemon for one reason alone... hitmonlee made better sense with sanji. simple the explanation is... when lee fights he uses both his fists and legs... in this form hitmonchan wears a green suit and has lee's black hair. 

sanji / hitmonlee - a fighting type i chose hitmonlee because its the kicking pokemon and who better to be a kicking pokemon then sanji the kicking cook! ik so smart of me :3 in this form hitmonlee has sanji's blond hair and swirly eyebrow. he also feels naked so he puts on a tie.

trainer: Keima

kiba / growlithe - a fire type i chose this because he is sort of a dog but he also has a sort of inner fire in his spirit. in this form growlithe has kiba's red face paint mark.

akamaru / arcanine - a fire type i chose this because it goes with kiba's transformation.

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