Say Goodbye to Pokemon Islands.

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I walk across the deck grinning from ear to ear. "I feel great today I don't think anything could possibly bring me down." I say stretching. It had been only a few days since our return to the ship from spear pillar and I was planning a little surprise for cress. I walk to my room and take out my journal to make my latest edit to its pages. "The crew is anxious to get away from the Pokemon Island but I managed to convince them all that one last stop was necessary. Today we should reach what I believe is Unova Island the home of cress. He will finally get the closer he deserves." I write in the journal and then place it back in the drawer and run outside.

Kid yells down from the crows nest. "Up ahead crystal do you want me to go make sure it's the right place?" I nod. "Yeah just ask the first person you see what region it is." I yell back. Kid summons his flying skateboard and disappears off the side of the ship. I wait and a little while later he returns grinning. "You were right crystal this is it. Unova just like you said." I smile and turn to Gaara. "Ok Gaara you know what to do." Gaara nods and walks over to the others who then set the sails for the island. We dock and I turn to the crew. "I know you don't all want to be here so it's alright if you all stay... I only need cress and Gaara this time..." they others nod and most head down below deck to take a nap. Gaara looks at me confused. "Me what do you need me for?" he folds his arms.

"I'm sorry but you're the only one of us that can fly and carry people. I need you to make a sand cloud big enough for you cress and myself to travel on." I say and then start walking to the kitchen where I know Sanji is busy keeping cress from asking any questions. "Alright captain." Gaara nods and follows me. I walk into the kitchen where Sanji is watching cress cook something. "That's not right start over." Sanji says and then noticing me in the doorway nods and turns back to cress. "You know what never mind I'll make it... go do something else..." Sanji rolls his eyes and motions for cress to leave. "I swear I was doing it the way you told me..." cress frowns and walks away. I stop him in the doorway and smile. "Hey come with me I have a special thing to show you." I say and then turn to Gaara. "But it's a surprise so you have to be blindfolded."

"Um... ok?" cress raises an eyebrow confused. I turn to Gaara "alright Gaara do your sand thing." I say grabbing hold of cress. Gaara forms a small cloud and then incases cress in a sand dome so he cannot see where we are going. Lee runs over and smiles. "You're going now? Might I come along as well?" I nod and lee jumps up with us. "Ok Gaara that way." I say pointing. We hurry onward in that direction. "Are you sure it's this way crystal?" Gaara says going the direction I pointed. "Yeah I'm sure you see the dock here can only mean one thing we must be in Nuvema town. So we just need to go this way past the next town and we'll be in the place." I assure him and then turn to rock lee. "You ready to meet cress's brothers' lee?" he nods and smiles. "Yes I cannot wait to see the brothers of my Genin." He says smiling. I smile and face forward again knowing cress is inside the sand dome and can't hear us talking.

"That's it right there Gaara." I say pointing at the Striaton city gym. Gaara lands the cloud near the door and I jump off. "You guys wait here I'll go get them... don't let cress out yet I don't want to ruin the surprise." They both nod understanding. I turn and head inside the gym. When I get in there I can't help but realize how empty it is for a popular restaurant. "Excuse me... is anyone here?" I say looking around. My voice echos in the big empty room. "Sorry we... we still are not open..." a voice calls from the kitchen and shortly after a very depressed chili appears in the doorway. "Not open?" I question. Chili nods and sighs. "That's right we aren't serving any food... or doing any gym battles... sorry you came all this way." He mumbles and heads back into the kitchen. I take a few more steps in and follow him. "Wait... why are you not open?" I say catching up to him. "it's been so long... nearly seven and a half months since we decided to close this place... yet people still show up..." chili shrugs and turns to Cilan who is sitting at a table with his face down. "Seven months?" I question. Chili nods and walks over to a coffee maker where he then begins to make himself a cup. "Seven months ago our other brother cress went missing mysteriously... we only just got back here last week from searching all over Unova for him. It was useless though we didn't even find a single thing." Chili says and sighs again. "Where did he go..." Cilan sounds very sad and doesn't move his head from the table. Pansage jumps up on the table next to him and sits by his head. Pansear climbs up onto chili's shoulder and stays there. Panpour sits alone in one of the other empty chairs at the table.

"I might have something you guys would like to see..." this seems to rise Cilan from his pouting mood as both he and chili turn to me. "What is it?" Cilan says frowning. I smile "well come outside and I'll show you." I say turning and walking away. Chili and Cilan exchange a glance and then follow me outside. "So what did you have to show us?" both brothers say at the same time. I nod to Gaara and he moves his sand so that cress can see where he is. Both Cilan and chili look delighted when they see cress. "CRESS!" they both screams out and run forward embracing him in a hug. "Cilan... chili... I missed you so much! It's so good to see you again!" cress smiles tears of joy running down his face as he hugs both his bothers.

I smile watch them as they react. Chili pulls away from the hug first and then Cilan but they both are still smiling. "Cress where have you been? We were worried sick about you." Cilan says wiping his face on his sleeve. "I'll tell you all about... is it ok if we go inside guys?" cress says to his brothers. They seem confused by this but nod and lead us inside the gym. "It's been too long since I've been home." Cress smiles looking around the huge gym. The three pokemon run out of the kitchen and climb up onto chili, Cilan, and cress's shoulders. Cress smiles and hugs his Panpour. "I missed you buddy."

"So cress where have you been... and whose your friends?" chili says looking at rock lee and then at Gaara and then at me. Cress nods and points to each of us in turn. "This is Gaara of the desert... and my captain crystal... and my sensei rock lee." He smiles. "Sensei? Captain?" chili and Cilan both mumble at the same time confused. "Hello! I am rock lee it is a pleasure to meet you." Lee says smiling. They both nod and shake his hand. "Lee has been teaching me tijutsu. Therefore he is my sensei or from his world that is what we call a teacher. And I am his student in his world he would call me a Genin." Cress says smiling still hugging his Panpour. "tijutsu?" both chili and Cilan look very confused. We explain to them everything that has happened on our journey. We even tell them about how we met Arceus and turned everyone back to normal.

"Wow that's incredible!" chili says his eyes light up with excitement. "Yeah I've had a lot of fun and I've learned so much... that's why I can't stay here." Cress says now setting Panpour on the ground. "but you just got back..." both Cilan and chili say disappointed. "Yes and now I must not lie I like being a pirate. The adventure, the constant excitement, and even the crew... it's just been such a thrill and as much as I miss you guys I'm just not ready to give up this adventure." He says nodding. "I do hope you can understand." He finishes. The two bothers exchange a glance and smile. "If that's what you want cress. Just be sure to write us ok. Tell us all about the great adventures you're having." Cilan smiles. "Of course thank you for understanding... Panpour I would be glad to bring you along but I can't these other worlds are dangerous and it's not safe for you... I need you to stay here." He says bending down to look at Panpour seriously.

"Don't worry cress we'll take care of Panpour." Cilan smiles. Panpour climbs up onto my shoulder which surprises me. "He likes you crystal..." cress says smiling. "I see that... but trying to butter up the captain isn't going to grant you permission to board my ship." I say and set Panpour back on the ground. Panpour runs over and climbs Cilan and sits next to Pansage. "We should go crystal the others are waiting for us." Cress nods and says good bye to his brothers. We all climb back onto Gaara's sand and go back to the ship. We wave good bye to cress's brothers and their pokemon. 

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