Chapter 12: shipwreck fanfiction character

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The next couple days are quiet and normal. I am beginning to think nothing was going to happen as I walked along the edge of the boat Keima by my side. I look out over the water smiling. "The water is beautiful this morning so shiny." I say looking over at Keima. "yeah... just like always..." I raise my eyebrow. "Are you bored with the pirate life? We've only been doing this for two months Keima..." he sighs. "No I'm not bored I'm just... home sick... my mother must be freaking out she probably thinks I got kidnapped or something..." he crosses his arms over the railing. "Keima... are you alright..." he nods. "Yeah I'm fine... it's just I use to think my mother was so annoying... always trying to make me do stuff... and... I... I miss her..." I hug Keima. "I'm sure you do... maybe we'll find you home on one of these islands... and you can see her again..." he nods. "I thought about that... but I don't know if I want to or not... leaving might be harder than not knowing..." I nod. "Yeah... maybe... I never did say goodbye to my mother either... she died a couple years ago..." Keima frowns. "I'd never forgive myself if my mother died before I told her where I went... what about your dad?" I frown again. "He was never around... but I'm old enough now that it doesn't matter. I pretty much disowned him because he doesn't care..." Keima looks at me surprised at me. "My dad doesn't talk to me a lot but it's not his fault every time he does my mom yells at him... I took a lot of things for granted and I feel like... everyone has been waiting for me to come home... but I can't..."

"I know what you mean..." grey says stepping up from behind us. "Couldn't help but over hear you guys... I was feeling the same way about fairytail... that why when we ended up there I knew I had to quit... family would just wait around forever for answers... if you get your chance to make your peace you should do it..." Keima nods and looks down over the edge of the boat. "Hey what's that down there?" Keima says looking over the edge. I look over the edge and see some floating ship wreckage in the water. "Looks like somebody's boat didn't make it..." I say scanning the water's surface for any sign of life. "Look over there on that drift wood!" grey yells pointing. I look over in the direction of him pointing and see a figure dressed in purple laying on a piece of wood out cold. I turn to grey. "Go get Sanji first... tell him what's going on... then go collect everyone else... I'm going to need help." He nods and disappears. I turns to Keima. "I'll be back." Before he can protest I leap over the edge of the ship and into the water. Once over the edge I use water magic to form a pillar of water to stand on and I ride it over to the piece of drift wood. I use Sharingan to see if the girl is still alive. I smile when I see signs of life. "Don't worry we'll get you out of here..." I form a pillar of water under neither the drift wood and use it to push the piece of drift wood up over the side of the ship.

Gaara helps by catching it with his sand and lowering it to the ground. Sanji runs up to make sure she's ok. "I think she's just unconscious... she doesn't look starved... or sick... she must just be out from whatever caused her boat to sink..." I stare down at her. "She looks so familiar... but I can't place it..." grey looks at me. "Did you say something? You know her?" I shake my head. "I'm sure once she wakes up I'll remember... but I don't think I've seen her before... she has ears and a tail like a cat. But this isn't a cat it's a human... and her hair is long and purple and strait... not Blair... but I can't remember where I know her from..." I frown realizing my knowledge had at once failed me. "This is only one of many faces you don't know... which is still more than us..." Keima says looking down at the unconscious girl. I nod knowing this is true. "But I should know this... cat characters are the most memorable to me... because I love their ears... right now I can think of five others but I can't remember her."

I stare at her knowing deep inside I should know who this is but I still can't put a name on her. I frown thinking how badly I will appear to my crew if for some reason my knowledge of this world was fading. They girls hand moves and everyone becomes excited. The girl reaches up for her head and sits up slowly. "Ow... what a night I feel like I slept on a piece of wood..." she looks up and becomes startled when she sees everyone staring at her. "You did sleep on a piece of wood... who are you and where did you come from?" Sanji says still right beside her on the ground. She blinks surprised and looks around. "This isn't my ship... where am I?" Sanji frowns. "Answer my question first then you will have your answer..." she nods. "My name is Katrina... I'm from... I don't know... I woke up a few months ago on an island and couldn't find anybody... I built a raft... and now I'm here..." I slap myself in the face realizing who she is now. "She's shipwreck Katrina... one of my fanfiction characters... but I never really finished her story... I started to write it but I had other things to do I never got to finish it... wait why is my fanfiction character in this world?"

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