Chapter 23: Sinnoh Ahoy the Quest for Arceus

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Docked on the island I turn to the crew. "Alright guys I have no clue where we are but it's another pokemon island so stay close ok." They nod and split into their teams of six. Keima jumps over the edge of the ship onto the dock with Kiba and Akamaru right behind him. I jump over behind him cress behind me and then the others after that. "Alright guys lets go." I say starting to walk down the dock. "Hello welcome to sunyshore city can I help you." A woman with a bag stops and smiles at us. "Yes actually you can we are tourists... and we're looking for Sinnoh... is this Sinnoh?" cress says to her. She nods. "It is indeed May I ask what it is your looking for?" the lady says turning to cress. "We're trying to find... um... Arceus do you know where we might find him?" cress asks her. She raises an eyebrow and then looks around. "Yeah I know about Arceus but let's not talk here. Follow me." The lady leads us to a house.

"Dad these people are looking for Arceus" she says to an older man who's sitting on the sofa watching tv. The man frowns "so you brought them here? Are you insane!" he glares at the girl. "they might be able to help dad..." the man looks at us then back at his daughter "you trust complete strangers to help Arceus when even we cannot?" he frowns. "As guardians of the temple we should be able to do this but we've tried countless times it's time to seek help and these people can help us." I step forward now and sigh. "Look we'd love to help but we just need to talk to Arceus..." they both turn to me. "Why do you need to talk to Arceus?" the man raises an eyebrow. "We need help and we've been told Arceus might be able to help us." I say looking at Keima and cress. "What makes you think we can trust them Vanessa?" the man says turning back to the girl.

"Look at these pokemon dad... these are some weird pokemon. That must mean these trainers are extraordinary to have such rare pokemon." She picks up Zoro to show her dad his hair that she thinks is strange. "Hey I take offence to that." Zoro says and scowls at Vanessa. "It talked!" She screams dropping Zoro. Grey darts forward catching Zoro on his back. "Yes we all talk thank you... now you know about Arceus we really need to see him. Can you take us to him?" grey says looking up at the man. They stare at grey and Zoro baffled. "These pokemon aren't really pokemon they are humans... somehow they got changed and we think only Arceus will be able to change them back." I say frowning.

"Oh they aren't pokemon? Well I'm afraid it doesn't matter seeing as that we are unable to call Arceus now." He says frowning. "We used to be able to go to stone pillar to summon Arceus however many years ago the flute which we used to play the melody that calls him was stolen. If we could just find it then we could call him down again from his dimensional plain... however without the flute we won't be able to do anything." My eyes widen. "The azure flute... was stolen... damn." Both Vanessa and her father stare at me. "You know about the flute?" the dad says. I nod. "Oh yes I um... it's a bit hard to explain. But I know there might be another way to call Arceus."

"Really? We've tried everything what makes you think your idea will work?" the man raises an eyebrow. "Because I know a lot about this world and without the flute to call Arceus we still might be able to get him to come if we go to the summit of spear pillar and call on the pokemon of space and time." They both frown. "we've tried that they don't come when we call... we need the flute but there's no way we can get it back we don't even know who took it." Vanessa says. "Well then we'll have to go get it back. I believe I know who took it and that means I know where to look." I turn and walk out the door Keima and cress follow behind me with everyone else. "If I find it I'll be sure to bring it back to you." I say waving good bye to the confused Vanessa watching us from the door.

"Where are we heading crystal?" Keima says confused. "Spear pillar if team galactic has the flute then I imagine they are trying to summon Arceus. Only Vanessa or her father can play the flute to summon him so it'd be impossible for them to use it. I'm sure they've realized that by now." I say stopping and looking back at the house to make sure they hadn't followed us. "So you think these people may be in danger? Then why did we leave shouldn't we have them go with us so we can protect them?" Keima says turning around to look at the house again. "I'm not sure what we should do Keima. We need the flute to call arceus and we are going right into the heart of team Galactic's headquarters. Bringing them with us would put them more at risk as right now we have no evidence that team galactic even knows they need somebody else to play the..." my statement is cut off when there is a small explosion and a scream. We turn to see the house we were just in is now smoking. "Vanessa!" cress puts his hands on his face and then without asking runs back to the home.

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