Chapter 30: Preparing for Buu

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"Give it back Alex!" ally screams chasing him through the hall. "You have to catch me first!" he sticks his tongue out. They both run outside. I smile as I see them run past the other kids right behind them. "Hey you kids be careful." Keima frowns. Goten catches up to Alex and tries to grab the doll from his hands but barley misses. "You'll have to do better than that Goten!" Alex teases holding the doll up. Trunks runs up from behind and nearly grabs the doll as well but misses as Alex pulls it away from him. Ally jumps and grabs onto his back pulling him to the ground. She holds up the doll victoriously. "I got it!" she calls and the chase begins again as the other kids try to now take it from her. "I'll never understand what's so fun about trying to keep that dumb toy the longest." Vegeta pouts. "Yeah we'll I'm sure when you were a kid you had better games." I tease. "Well I certainly wasn't fighting for possession of a plastic blonde girl." Vegeta says rolling his eyes.

Just then rock lee and cress walk past on their hands rock lee and Tenten's son follows them. Vegeta raises an eyebrow. "I can do that. That's not so cool..." Vegeta scoffs annoyed. "Oh I'm sure you can Vegeta I'm sure you can." I giggle. Just then a blonde boy with a swirly eyebrow and a small girl with three white line in her hair run past ally and the boy turns into a gun in the girls hand. "I've got you now!" she yells and fires the gun knocking ally back into the other kids and they all stop. The girl picks up the doll and smiles. "Now I'm it!" she yells and the chase begins again. "That girl just shot you kid... but nothing happened..." Vegeta raises an eye brow confused. "oh yeah death the kid and liz's daughter jenny is a mister like her father... and also a reaper... she can shoot compressed soul wavelengths through her weapon partner just like her dad... the boy is Sanji's son he turns into a pistol just like his mom dose." I smile. "People that turn into objects... that's just... crazy..." Vegeta huffs.

"Hey whose two kids are those over there?" Goku says pointing at two kids who are sitting near the house. "The boy is Gaara and Erza's son henry... and the girl is Sasuke and Katrina's daughter Saria." I say nodding. "Well then... I guess that means all your friends must be quite happy?" Goku questions. "I guess... though I'm sure we've been here far too long..." I shrug. "All the same I don't think they mind too much since they all moved out of my house and got jobs..." Bulma says coming out of nowhere. "Yeah I'm happy for them. They just aren't cut out to be z fighters... but I'm glad they like it here..." I smile. After a while I turn to Goku. "So how was your training with king Ki the last 6 years?"

"Same as always... I think I may go back after the tournament. You know to train some more... your coming with this time right?" Goku asks. I shake my head. "No I'm fine training with Vegeta... besides I have to look after my kids too... I can't just go running off to outer space whenever I please." I say laughing a bit. Both Vegeta and Goku look at each other confused and shrug. "Why not we do it all the time." They both say at the same time. "You do whatever you guys want... I'm going to train here though where I can come home to my family every night." I put both my hands behind my head and smile. "Crystal has a point... I think I leave chichi home alone too much..." Goku puts his hand on his chin. As the kids play jenny runs past us between me and Vegeta. The kids try to run after her but trunks accidentally misjudges his dodge attempt and trips over Vegeta's foot. He falls forward and lands face down on the ground. "Don't you cry boy..." Vegeta says folding his arms. Trunks picks himself up off the ground and dusts off. "I'm not going to cry... sorry dad..." trunks mumbles and then runs after the other kids.

"That was a bit cold Vegeta..." Goku frowns. "What? He's fine he just tripped kakarot." Vegeta shoots him an angry look. I sigh and fold my arms. "Well you could have been nicer but it's no big deal your both right... no sense in arguing." I simply stand there and watch the kids play. After a while only the half saiyan children are left playing because the others get tired and go home with their parents. "Hey kakarot who do you think is stronger trunks or Goten." Vegeta says watching them play too not interested just watching because that is what we are doing. "Probably trunks since he's older then Goten is but also because chichi makes him study so he doesn't train much..." Goku says shrugging. Vegeta frowns. "Oh that's no fun... ok then crystal whose stronger trunks or Alex?" Vegeta asks looking over at me. I grin and turn to him. "Probably Alex... but ally is stronger than both of them."

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