Chapter 27: I Broke the Timeline?

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"Come on guys! I told you this is important." I frown at Tien and Yamcha not taking me seriously. "Well from what you said you can take care of it so why do we even have to train?" Yamcha frowns. "Whatever... you go ahead and be that way... Sasuke, Zoro, lee, cress how are you guys holding up?" I say turning to them. They shrug "I don't know what it is your expecting from us." Zoro shrugs. "What I'm expecting is for my friends to show some damn support... ever since the frieza stuff happened I feel like you've had little faith in me. I'm trying to fix this damn shit and nobody cares except Goku!" I scream frustrated and storm off. "Damn it's like they don't believe that I know what I'm doing anymore... even Keima doesn't really understand me anymore." I sigh exasperated. "It's been a while since we got here... I still haven't been able to find a ship that we could use to leave. Not like it matters though seeing as I'm stuck as a saiyan for now until I figure out how to change back to normal so I might as well use my power..."

I stop and look up at the sky a power leveling nearing the planet has my neck hair standing on end. "What already! But it's so soon! No time to go back I'll just have to trust everyone to meet me there." I take off flying for the power source I know if frieza and his father back for revenge. As I fly I let my senses also range out to see if I can locate Vegeta and Goku. I realize they too have both sensed the power of frieza and are heading the same direction I am. "Alright if I didn't screw up the time line too bad Vegeta's son should show up and give Goku medicine from his time to cure the heart disease that Goku doesn't have yet. He'll warn us about the attack and the androids and then insist that he stay and train with Goku and Vegeta until they attack." I think to myself.

I land behind a rugged rocky cover and see a spaceship has landed there. I recognize the power of frieza and an even greater power which must be his father king cold. I wait there behind the rocky cover as frieza comes out of the ship with his dad and they start talking about his revenge plan. Vegeta and Goku show up first but I can sense that Yamcha, Krillen, Tien, and Keima are on the way. "What frieza?!? But you said you blasted him?" Vegeta looks down confused. "We did... but somehow in space frieza wasn't completely destroyed... and his father rebuilt him. They are here to get revenge on Goku and probably myself. He's stronger now than he was before I don't know if we stand a chance... but Goku listen if we don't stop him right now he is going to destroy earth just like namek."

As soon as I say this Vegeta stands up. I grab him and pull him back down. "Not yet... I'm waiting for something... just hang out for a minute..." I hiss at him demanding he stay hidden. "Waiting? Waiting for what? Didn't you just say he is going to destroy earth don't you think we should stop him?" Vegeta scoffs impatiently. "Yes we should but... just five minutes I promise..." I say turning to Goku to make sure he isn't going anywhere. Goku respects that I want to wait and watches quietly. After a few minutes the others show up but trunks has still not appeared and I begin to worry. "So are we done waiting now? Can I kill frieza now?" Vegeta says standing up again. I pull him back down and glare at him. "No... not yet... Vegeta I need to ask you a serious question. Do you like Bulma?"

This question surprises everyone and they wait silently for his answer. "What?!? First you want me to wait to fight then you start questioning me about the earth woman!?! She's fine can I fight now!" he screams annoyed and I realize I've made a huge mistake. "Three little monkeys hiding behind a rock... how rude! Come out and play monkeys." Frieza calls out pointing at our hiding place. I turn back to the others. "we've been spotted yeah you can fight now just go!" Vegeta and Goku both shoot out of the hiding place as frieza fires a death beam right at us. I duck into the other four and push them out of the way just in time to escape the blast. "What happened? Crystal you said we wouldn't have to fight this battle?" Keima looks at me confused. "I don't know trunks didn't show up somethings not right." I say beginning to panic. "But he has to give Goku medicine... if he doesn't show up... then won't we all die!" Keima says beginning to panic as well.

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