Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. Light gently streams in through the window on the other side of the room lighting the room with its soft glow and warming the edge of my bed. "another boring day... what I wouldn't give to be doing something other than living this meaningless existence..." I sit up in bed and sigh. I glance down at my manga books stacked in a messy fashion next to my bed. "if only my life could be more like the exciting adventures in these books... fighting monsters... making friends... sailing wide open stretches of endless sea with a crew of highly trained and highly skilled members who would do anything I said... or even to train a real live pokemon... oh what i wouldn't give to be in these worlds... and not here..." i pick up my manga from the night before and set it on the stack. 

i stretch and walk over to my wardrobe. "another boring day... got to go to my boring job that i hate... why can't i just be free from this hell that is life as a real person... why is life so boring..." i speak to myself because nobody has ever cared to speak to me and if i don't speak to me then who will hear my words. i change into my work uniform and frown at my reflection in the mirror. "will this meaningless life ever have meaning... will i always be destined to remain the object of nothingness swirling around like a speck of dust guided only by the wind... but the wind will never take me anywhere... not in this lifetime..." i pick up my comb and debate whether i feel the need to brush my hair. it falls to my shoulders, straight down perfectly with no fault, it has always done so.  i comb it anyways and walk over to the door.

i walk down the sidewalk to the job i hate. "for years i have walked this path... from home to work and from work to home... every day for the last 4 years of my life... yet it brings me no pleasure... then why... why must i continue to walk it... why not just quit... because i'm not the kind of person who gives up just because it's difficult that's why... i can make it to tomorrow i know i can... i just have to keep pushing... life is bound to get easier eventually..." i tell myself this everyday right before i round the corner and see the building within is the job i hate. 

I stop at the corner and sigh "Time to do that job i hate... well let's get this over with..." as i begin to take a step forward i feel a cold chill run down my spine. A cold hand grabs my shoulder and a shadowy figure grins at me. i spin around and pull away from the weird man. "eww get away from me can't you see i'm trying to monolog here!" 

The man nods. "oh yes i saw your little monologuing thingy... i know it's not all as bad as you're making it out to be..." 

I frown. "oh what do you know about my life butt out creepy man!" i begin to storm away. 

"wait i can get you your dream!" he protests.

I pause and turn back around. "why do you care about my dream?" 

the man grins. "you want to be free from this life as a normal person right? well what would you do if i told you... i could give you the grand adventures of manga that you so desperately long to have?" 

I raise my eyebrow. "i'd say what's the catch?" 

he laughs. "normally there would be a catch but today for you only... all i require is your meaningless existence..." 

i am still not fully understanding him. "what do you mean my existence?" 

the man grins again. "i'm not going to lie because that be rude in this case... what i want is your human existence... your body..." 

i look at him creeped out and start to walk away again. 

"let me finish!" he grabs my arm and doesn't let go. "let me finish... calm down... i will send your conscious mind to a new body in the world you dream of... but that will leave this one hollow... you know empty... i just want the empty body that's all." 

i turn around still confused. "why do you... that's just gross dude let go!" i struggle trying to get away. 

"ok let me get this through to you lady... you don't have a choice and i don't have time to argue this with you! besides you won't be able to come back once you're gone so what i do with your body isn't important!" 

i try once more to break free of this grasp but i fail. "even if i was to consider your offer... how would you even be able to get me my dream?" 

the man smiles. "i have friends... they give me power... and the power can do incredible things... like send you to your dream..."

I look at him skeptically. "how do i know this isn't some kind of trick..." 

he smiles again. "i'll prove it isn't a trick. shake my hand." the man smiles an evil smile and holds out his hand for me to shake it. 

"on one hand i could go on leading my meaningless life... that doesn't bring me any joy... or... i could have everything i ever wanted... and leave this life behind..." i puzzle for moment and slowly my hand finds his. 

he laughs evilly. "i hope you're ready! because there's no turning back now! enjoy your dream!" 

I try to pull my hand away but it's too late everything goes black.

 *and the curtain drops on part one! i hope my monolog didn't scare anyone away i was trying to be funny :P well now i guess the real story can begin! so i hope your ready for the next chapter! and don't be afraid to tell me what you think! i love reading comments ^.^*

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