Chapter 4: Keima's empty heart

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Keima stops in front of the last door back up on deck and pushes his glasses up. "I saved the best for last..." he says putting his hand on the door knob. He pushes the door open to reveal another room this one had way more nice things in it and even a real bed which although wasn't very big looked a lot better than sleeping in a hanging net. "This must be my room... I mean the captains room..." I say looking around. Keima nods. "Yes... I figured as much since it says captain on the door here..." he points to a sign on the door I hadn't noticed. He takes a few steps in and closes the door and then turns to stare at me. "Did you really mean what you told grey and Sasuke... that looks didn't matter?" I nod and adjust my glasses. "Yes... and I was serious about you being hotter than them too... because even though they may be really sexy... they still don't have the heart... and to me the heart is what matters most."

"Are you trying to conquest me?" he questions raising his eyebrow. "Because I'm not falling for it..." I smile. "No I was just being honest..." Keima takes a few more steps into the room and sits down in a chair next to the small bed. I sit on the edge of the bed. "I heard you talking to Sasuke earlier about your world... its sounds a lot like mine... except in my world there was demons and goddesses..." I nod. "Yeah my world is a lot like yours before you found out about the demons and the goddesses..." he sighs. "Does everyone in your world ignore you too then?" I nod. "Yes... I had no friends and I lived pretty much by myself... but you... you're so cool... I mean god of conquest is nothing to be ashamed of." He smiles. "Yeah it was a good run... but now I see the end... and it's this ship..." he touches the collar again.

"I never meant to make anyone suffer... I didn't even want to take the deal the man was giving me... he tricked me..." Keima sighs. "Hey it's not so bad... I mean look we got friends now... right?" I lay back on the bed and think about it. "Yeah... but I feel like their only here because of the collars... they'd leave in an instant if they thought they could..." Keima stands up and moves over to the bed and sits down. "I would stay..." he sighs. I look up at him surprised. "Wouldn't you rather go home?" he shakes his head. "To be completely honest this is probably the most fun I've had in... ever... I guess part of me was wishing for adventure too..." he flops back on the bed laying with his arms over his eyes. "Though I do wish I had my games..." I smile. "You know what... I think you only play dating Sims because you're lonely..." he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah maybe so what the real world is a complete mess... fantasy is where I want to be... a world where I can make up my own ending... games are better than reality..." I laugh and look up at the ceiling. "That's what I wished for... to live in a fantasy." Keima turns to look at me though I do not turn to look back at him. "We're from different worlds yet... we are so similar..." he says after a while of staring. I turn to look at him. "Because in our worlds we are both pretty much the same... although I never had the excitement of saving the world... like you did..." Keima continues to stare I look at him and become lost in his eyes. Keima leans forward and my heart begins to race. But just before he kisses me the door opens. Both of us sit up suddenly and look at the door. "What?"

Sanji walks in with cress behind him. "Look cress is a great cook and everything but... he has no skill... did you know he's never fought not once in his whole life." Sanji says turning back to cress who looks around. "Yeah I know cress can't fight... the world he's from people don't fight... he's a waiter not a fighter. Why what's the problem Sanji?" Sanji sighs. "Why is he even here then?" I frown. "If you're so worried about him not being able to fight then maybe you should teach him how to fight?" Sanji groans and turns to cress. "Fine come on we'll start now." They leave and close the door behind them.

I turn back to Keima who is looking a bit red. I smile. "You were going to kiss me like one of those conquest girls... your trying to conquest me..." he shakes his head. "No, I no... I'm not trying to conquest you..." I look at him skeptically. "It's just... I don't know how to talk to girls... and then all of a sudden talking to girls means I have to kiss them... it's like... my brain won't stop screaming kiss her! It's very confusing..." I lay back down and stare up at the ceiling. "What's your heart saying?" he turns back to me. "I'm not sure... it's too loud for me to understand it..." I giggle. "now that is funny to me... the person on this ship I never thought was never going to like me... and you've fallen in love with me... that's very classic anime logic right there..."

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