*Chapter 5: First Day of Training / The Magic Within.

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(This chapter was edited 1-7-2017. Fixed some messed up or misplaced words, and spaced out different people's reactions and words. i feel spacing the actions out makes it easier to read.)

At dawn Grey and Zoro enter my room to wake me up. They both giggle to each other when they see Keima laying in my bed. 

"Isn't that cute..." Zoro says loudly startling myself and Keima awake. 

We both sit up and look at each other and then at them. "What you got a problem?" I say glaring at them. 

That shut up real quick. 

"No... just come to get you time to train up come on." Zoro says turning towards the door. Grey follows him out leaving me alone with Keima. 

I turn to Keima excitedly. "Yeah training! Come on Keima I bet I can master the sword before you!" I scream jumping out of bed. 

Keima smiles and jumps out of bed after me. "Oh yeah well I'll master magic before you!"

We run out onto the deck where Zoro and Grey are waiting. 

Zoro throws two of his three swords one at me and one at Keima. 

I look down and gasp when I realize he'd given me his white handle sword, the one I know he got from his master after his master's daughter died. "Your kuina sword! Are you sure Zoro..." 

Zoro nods smirking slightly. "Don't break it or I'll kill you... but I can't let you use this one..." he holds up the one he left for himself which i recognize from one of the last episodes of the anime I had watched. 

"Oh that's the cursed one... alright I'll be careful I promise..." I understand that he still does not know what the cursed sword is capable of, therefore he can't just go letting people use it.

Zoro draws his sword swiftly and grins. "Ok first draw your sword... but do it like a boss... got it?" 

Grey sits back and watches us fumbling with the swords unsuccessfully. Grey burst into laughter. "This is going to take a while if they can't even figure out how to draw the weapon..." 

Keima drops his trying to pull it out. 

Zoro slaps himself in the face. "Oh goodness how did I ever talk myself into this... it's a complete disaster..."

I frown knowing I could do better if the sword case was properly fashioned to my back or waist, I had only practiced it a billion times in the real world. "Zoro... you don't happen to have an extra belt?" 

Grey steps forward. "I can maybe help what are you trying to do?" 

I put the sword case on my hip and look at grey. "I'm trying to make it stay right here... you think you can do it?" 

Zoro smirks as he realizes what I mean.

Grey nods. "Not a problem! Ice make!" before he can use his move Sasuke stops him. 

"Here mines just for decoration I don't need it." he hands me his rope belt. 

"thanks." A quickly wrap it around me and slide it through the loops in the case holding it right where I need it. 

Keima finally manages to separate the case from the sword only to drop the case on the ground.

I nod and turn to Zoro. "Sorry I actually do know what I'm doing... it's just been a while..." I grab the sword from my right side with my left hand and pull it out quickly. "See much better now that it stays put..." 

Zoro and grey exchange a glance and then turn back to me. 

Keima puts the sword case in his belt and copies me. "Oh your right... it is much easier once you tie it down." 

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