chapter 22: all sails set for sinnoh

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I stare out at the water thinking about the results of the quest we are on. "Come on is that the best you've got!" grey yells charging at death the kid. "I'm going to kick your ass!" kid yells back tackling grey. Grey and kid spar to get more use to their powers. Gaara is not far from them sparing with Sasuke. "I'm never going to get use to this body... it is so difficult for me to maneuver... and especially because there is no ground for me to dig into..." Gaara frowns and dodges Sasuke's attack. "Come on Gaara show me what you've got!" Zoro and Katrina and Erza and Kiba spar too everyone else is relaxing. "You don't look very happy crystal is something on your mind?" Keima says leaning back against the frame of the ship. I sigh and look up at him. "Yes... what if I can't find a way to turn them back... or return or magic..." Keima thinks. "Then I guess we just have to learn to be strong again without magic..." I say shrugging

I look out over the edge of the ship. "We've been traveling these islands for quite a long time a week I'd say... I just hope we find Sinnoh soon..." I say turning back to look at the crew. "It's got to be close...right?" Keima frowns looking down at the floor. "Yeah I just hope it helps. I mean sure it's great that everyone is getting along again but this is weird everyone not being who their supposed to be. I always thought being surrounded by real pokemon would be awesome but... this isn't nearly as awesome as I pictured in my head..." I say looking back over the edge at the water. "Do you really think the pokemon god will be able to turn them back... I mean it very well could end up that all we had to do was go back through the fog again..." Keima shrugs. I deadpan realizing that was something I hadn't tried. "I'm going to feel really stupid if that was the way all along." I say slapping my face. "well think about it... we came in through the fog and changed it would make sense that going back through the fog again the other way would return us to normal." Keima says putting his hand on his chin.

"It might be that simple but I doubt it Keima." Cress says nodding. "Why is that cress?" Keima says looking over at him. "well for one the fog was the reason we changed right... but it was just the cloud we passed through and came out the other end different then before... there is no fog anymore so I imagine that for whatever reason passing back through it would do nothing. That's just a theory though." I look at the others again and sigh. "Right because if going back through the fog changed them back that'd be too easy wouldn't it..." I say and slump to the ground. Keima and cress exchange a worried glance. "It's not so bad I mean they seem happy. Now whenever they get out of hand we can just put them in these balls and shut them up." Keima says trying to joke. I frown at him. "That's not funny Keima. They aren't pokemon their people..."

Cress shrugs and puts his hand on his chin. "I do have one puzzling question though... for the week we've been at sea searching for the next island. The crew members have been eating like pokemon does that mean I should be feeding them pokemon food?" cress says and looks over the crew members. "I don't know... that seems like a bit much to me but you might be right... I just don't know anymore..."I bury my face in my knees trying to think of the best way to get over this crushing agony I feel when I think about the crew possibly never turning back to normal. "I don't know what to say crystal... but since I'm the only one on the ship now that can cook I should probably go get started on that..." cress says walking away with his hand on his head.

Keima kneels down on the ground next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Crystal are you alright you've been really depressed since we left Kanto." I look up at him and sigh. "Oak said he had no idea what to do about people turning into pokemon. What if we find Arceus but he can't help us. What if we go through all of this and it gets us nowhere... what if they never get to be human again." I say trying hard to keep myself from bursting into tears. Its then I notice that the crew has stopped sparring with each other and are now all staring at me. Zoro looks at me annoyed. "Hey don't give up crystal you promised you would fix this." Zoro says and frowns.

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