Chapter 20: Kanto adventures part 1

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We pull into the dock and it takes cress awhile to lower the anchor. "This is harder than it looks how did Zoro manage to do it by himself?" Cress complains. I nod. "yeah with everyone powers gone then most of our strength is also gone... are you guys ready for this who knows what we'll find here... but we should go there might be a key to solving how to change everyone back." Keima and cress both nod. "Yeah that is important... alright then crystal what do you suggest we do?" I turn to the group of pokemon and take a deep breath. "We should explore the land to see if we can figure out how to change them back... but if we can't then we should also be training so we can at least fight properly... I know this isn't ideal but we have to make the best of this." Zoro frowns. "That is easy for you to say you still have fingers and toes!" 

I frown. "Well I'd be inclined to agree with you except I know that had you been chosen to be a trainer you wouldn't know the first thing about pokemon so you wouldn't know what to do. And where I would gladly switch places with you I don't think you could handle the enormous responsibility you have to have in order to train pokemon." I say this a little more hostile then I had intended. He stares at me baffled. "No your right I'll just shut up now..." he cross his tiny Snivy arms and pouts. It takes an incredible amount of force to stop myself from giggling at him because as pokemon they are all just way to cute to me. "Great alright now if you come across anything in this world you don't understand ask me or cress... but for now don't let anyone hear you talking. Pokemon normally don't speak so they may think you rare and try to steal you if you talk... and trust me you don't want that." They all nod. I turn to cress. "There is no instance you know of where the trainers are able to walk with all 6 of their pokemon at once is there?" he shrugs. "I've seen people walk their pokemon outside the pokeball... but if we have a group this big it's going to attract attention from unwanted people..."

I nod and face the group again. "Keep your senses sharp. We don't need anyone getting hurt here." They nod again and the group splits back into the decided groups for each person. I turn to cress and Keima. "Alright just try to act like normal people not pirates... something tells me around here pirates aren't exactly popular... and if people know about us that might attract unwanted attention." They both nod. I take a deep breath and look over the side of the boat at the dock. "Alright let's go." I am the first to jump over the side of the ship. I look back up and watch Keima and cress leap over the edge too. I watch the pokemon members jump one by one over the edge some of them at first hesitating to leave the ship.

Once everyone is on the ground we start onward. Grey and Sasuke walk on either side of me while Erza, Gaara, Zoro, and Katrina follow close behind me. Death the kid follows cress on the side closest to grey, on his other side lee and Sanji walk side by side. Liz and patty sit on kids back because they are small, while Tenten rides on akamaru's back next to Kiba. "Cress you don't think we'll run into any trouble here do you?" cress shrugs. "Don't know... I've never been outside Unova before and this is definitely not Unova... the trees are brighter shades of green in Unova look see." I raise my eyebrow. "The green shading on the tree? That's how you know we aren't in Unova?" he nods. "Yes... I know it sounds silly but I'm very perceptive..." I shrug. "If you say so cress... I wonder just where we are though..."

We walk the path into a small town. I look around to see if I can find anyone. "Seems like this town is really small I wonder if anyone is even here." I soon as I say this a lady dressed in gardening equipment walks out from behind a house with a Mr. Mime. "Oh hello... my, what a large and very strange bunch of pokemon you have there... are you new in town?" I nod. "Yeah we are travelers... this is cress... and this is Keima my two traveling partners." Cress and Keima both nod. "Oh marvelous... I have seen some of these pokemon before... but I've never seen any quite like this." She says eyeing Sanji because he looks pretty weird. "That's" I start trying to think of a reason why some of them look weird. "We rescued them from researchers who were performing dangerous experiments on them." Cress says crossing his arms and looking over at me smiling. "Oh my goodness!" the women puts her hands on her face.

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