Chapter 26: Only a Super Saiyan an Defeat Freiza

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I'm outside sparing with Goku while Keima watches from next to Krillen and Gohan. "You learn fast crystal." Goku grins and starts charging an energy beam to fire at me. I charge my own and they collide. I push for all I'm worth but it seems like we're evenly matched until Goku goes Kio ken and pushes the beam back on me. Keima rushes over as I fall out of the sky and he catch me. "Crystal are you ok?" he helps me back onto my feet. "Yeah I'm fine I've been fighting Goku like this for a couple weeks... I'm a little stronger then him and he knows it... that why he likes to fight me... believe me Keima I'm fine..." I say smiling a little. "You've mastered that quickly... I'm glad you're on our side or I might actually be scared to fight you." Goku says smiling.

"Thanks Goku..." I smile. Krillen and Gohan wait impatiently for Bulma. "Alright let's go!" Bulma says walking past. "See ya later Goku!" Krillen yell waving as they leave. "Bye dad!" Gohan smiles and waves. "Bye guys!" Goku waves. "Wait where are they going?" I wonder aloud. "Oh I don't remember... namek... or something like that... I don't remember why... back to training." Goku says beginning to spar with me once more. "Namek really... that means then that... alright then time to get serious!" I suddenly burst with energy and overwhelm Goku. "Woo calm down!" he yells but I don't hear him. We go back and forth blocking each other's moves until zap behind him and kick him to the ground. He picks himself up and looks up at me smiling. "That's better! Now it's serious!" he powers up to kio ken and the fight begins again. We train together everyday for a month.

I'm sleeping peacefully when I feel somebody shake me awake. I sit up and come face to face with Goku. "Goku... what do you want... I'm trying to sleep..." I say yawning. He looks at me seriously. "We got to go to namek come on." He whispers and then leaves the room. "Namek? What's that crystal what's going on?" Keima says stretching. "I have to go with Goku... remember that fight I've been telling you about for the last month... well I got to go and do that fight now. Just keep everyone safe ok I promise I'll come back." I kiss him good bye and hurry after Goku. "Crystal... please be safe..." I hear Keima yell as he tries to run after me.

I go with Goku and we head for namek he never told me why but I knew. "I thought this might also be fun crystal we're going to do some gravity training on the way there. Think you can handle it?" he smiles after we are already in space and on the way to namek. I nod "alright I'm ready." I say as he turns up the gravity in the spaceship. "We'll train at 100x gravity for the six days that it takes us to get to namek. I hope your ready I'm not planning on holding anything back." He grins. I understand completely and we both begin by training separately doing push-ups and then work on our punches and kicks.

After six days we land on namek and the door of the ship opens. I follow Goku out of the ship and grin as I realize it's the exact time of Goku's arrival in the anime. "Alright Goku and crystal are here!" Krillen yells victoriously after Goku gives him a senzu bean. Wasting no time I turn to Goku "let's teach these guys what happens when they mess with our friends." I say grinning. He agrees and we both attack Goku takes on Recoome and I take on Burter. Jeice gets scared and starts to flee. I know he is about to go get Ginyu and I know that Ginyu in turn will end up body switching with Goku and it messes his body up. But as a direct result of the battle Goku heals up in Frieza's ship and comes back even stronger. I decide that letting Goku fight Ginyu the right way will be the only way he'll come back strong enough to kill frieza in the end, because I know at my current strength being only slightly higher then Goku we still can't win against frieza in his final form.

"I'll spare your lives this time." Goku says and gives chase after Jeice. I let him go knowing the resulting fight will turn out ok for us in the end. "Alright guys we need to use the namekian dragon balls to bring piccolo back to life and then to bring him here come on there's no time to waste." They nod and Dende leads the way. I follow them mostly quiet watching them go through all their stuff to get the wish made. "Piccolo will be here soon but we're in deep trouble frieza saw the sky... he'll be here any minute and he will be mad..." my words are barley out of my mouth when a voice rings out behind us. "How dare you steal my chance for immortality!" frieza glares at us. I stand in front of Krillen and Gohan and Dende. "I'll distract frieza as long as I can you two should stay back and stay on guard... he is stronger than he appears." I say over my shoulder to them. They nod and step back.

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