Chapter 16: 5th month relationSHIP

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"captains log... it has been 5 months since setting sail in this strange world with my crew... we have grown in not only strength but also in number... today marks the 5th month of traveling. Since beginning we have crossed many obstacles both outside and inside our own minds and bodies... we have been on many adventures already and strengthened our bond as a team. Today is also my birthday... I expect nothing to change... I have no wish other than to continue to grow with my crew and form more friendships." I close my journal and slide it back into the dresser. I look over to make sure Keima is still sleeping. I smile watching him sleep. "He's so damn cute..." I think to myself.

I decide to take a walk around the deck. I stand up being careful to not disturb Keima. At the door I check one last time to make sure he is still sleeping then I close the door and begin my walk. I smile as I walk the deck. "it has been a long time... with everything that has happened it's all so strange... after monsters... and Justin betraying us... and more monsters... and other pirates... the things we have come through have made us so much stronger... and helped us form closer bonds... and I think Keima really does actually like me... I can't believe how great this all going... I mean sure bad things happen from time to time... but we've gotten through everything we've come across... as a team."

I walk up the steps leading to the above deck. Where I see grey standing near the edge watching the water. He looks back at me and frowns. "You're not going to try that eye thing on me again are you?" I shake my head. "I told you I was sorry... Sasuke said the only way to train them better was to do it without asking people first... I don't have to do it on you guys anymore because I already learned it..." grey smiles. "It is fine I was only kidding... so what are you up to this fine morning?" I look out at the water. "I was just going for a walk... though I might also look to see if there was any land nearby... but mostly just walking..." I say also looking behind me to see if anyone else was awake yet. "What are you doing up so early?" he looks back at the water. "I was thinking about my master... how she died... you know that story from my past..." I nod. "Yeah I'm sorry that happened... but she would have been proud of you grey... and you know that. You've gotten so much stronger grey... she would have been so very proud of you."

Grey puts his hand across his forehead to hide his eyes. "I know... that's just what I was thinking about... it has been every day for the last few days... thinking if she would be proud of me. If you are sure she would be... after everything that happened... then it must be true... I should have come to you sooner... but... the weight on my heart stopped me..." I nod. "Grey don't you ever tell yourself you're not less than perfect. If you start questioning yourself then you'll never live up to your full poetical." He nods and puts his hand back down on the edge of the ship. "Do you believe that truly?" I smile. "Truly... I do believe it." He nods. "Thank you..." I nod and turn around. "Well I should be on my way... I'll catch you later grey." I begin my walk once more. I look down at my feet and then to the ocean searching for anything over the vast stretch of sea.

"Hey crystal... what are you up to this morning?" I turn around to see Sasuke standing behind me. "Morning Sasuke. I'm just walking and looking..." he nods and looks out to the sea. "Cool... hey can I talk to you about something?" I nod. "Yes of course Sasuke. What's on your mind?" he crosses his arms still looking at the sea. "Tell me what it's like... you and Keima..." I raise my eyebrow confused. "I'm sorry what?" he turns to me arms still crossed. "You might have misunderstood that... what I mean is love tell me about it... what is it like?" I nod and begin to think. "Well love is... with me and Keima... honestly I'm not sure... it's not something you can just... explain... and using Sharingan to show you would just be a fake emotion... why do you want to know?" he frowns. "well I thought about it... and I honestly believe there might be a connection between me and somebody... but I can't quiet put my finger on it... its much the same way I used to feel about Itachi when I was young... you know before he left and killed everyone..." I raise my eyebrow. "Genuine love... really for who?"

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