Chapter 28: Androids Attack

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I stand on top of the hill overlooking the town along with Yamcha, Tien, Krillen, Goku, ally, and Vegeta. "What's taking so long?" Vegeta grumbles. "They are in town... it's going to be today..." I say hoping that he can just wait for me to figure out where they are before he does something stupid. "I don't want to wait anymore I just want to fight." Vegeta takes off into town. "Damn it Vegeta I said wait! You freaken brick brain!" I scream frustrated. "Well it's too late now... let's split up." Krillen suggests and everyone branches off. "Damn it you guys!" I roll my eyes and follow Yamcha. "What go look on your own I don't need a babysitter!" Yamcha protests. "Shut up Yamcha... you damn fool..." I huff rolling my eyes. "Shit you use to be nice... why you busting my balls now..." he grumbles offended. "Because I know what's going on here mostly and nobody else knows... but nobody listens to me." I grumble.

"We aren't really required to listen to you like your loyal friends. We aren't as weak as you keep telling us we are you know." Yamcha rolls his eyes. I frown and check my pocket for the senzu bean and Goku's meds. "You really don't believe me that's fine you'll see here in about 5 minutes." I grumble. "Whatever... hey what's that?" Yamcha looks down and sees an Old man standing in the road next to another guy. Yamcha lands and I follow him. "19... data report." The old man says almost in a growl. "Orange clothing... black hair... similar build... 90% chance the target is Goku." The strange man I know as 19 squeaks in his annoying voice. I stand back and let Yamcha do his thing. "You shouldn't do that..." I say as Yamcha charges at gero. "Yeah whatever crystal." He rolls his eyes and dose it anyway. Gero grabs him by the neck and impales him through the stomach with his bare hand. "pitty I was expecting more of a fight." Gero tosses him aside.

I run over to him quickly and give him the senzu bean. "ok now that you done it's my turn!" I turn back to the two androids and go super saiyan. "No data..." 19 says turning to Gero. "What no data?" Gero looks confused. I grin and steal Vegeta's line. "Tell me something... do machines feel fear?" they exchange a glance. "19 deal with her now." Gero points to me. I grin again and fight 19 in hand to hand combat careful to not destroy anything in the town. I dispense of 19 in no time and turn to Gero who looks surprised and then flees. I power back down and turn to Yamcha. "See what you did Yamcha you didn't listen to me and now you got hurt..." As I stand there the others land on the ground and see that I have defeated an android by myself. "That's not one of the androids from my time." Ally says confused.

"Yeah I know it's not. I've been saying that for the last year... we aren't ready to fight them yet... and the next two... are much stronger than this one. We need to use the hyperbolic time chamber... for the extra training." I turn to Goku. "Alright... I believe you... but only two people can use it at the same time... how will we decide who uses it?" Goku asks the question and I'm ready with the answer. "I train with you and Vegeta trains with ally." I say knowing this cuts Gohan out of the training. "But I wanted to train with Gohan..." Goku protests. "No... the two of us can get far stronger if we go in there... besides Gohan may have his hidden abilities but after this fight it won't matter... trust me we can do this without Gohan." I turn back to face Vegeta. "You were supposed to train with you son but he didn't come back in time... so you either have to train with her or me or Goku." After a few minutes of pouting he responds. "I'll go with ally but I want to go first!" he insists.

"How do you feel Goku...?" I say turning to him as we fly to kami's look out. "pretty good... you said I was going to get sick today but I took that pill earlier and I don't feel sick at all." He smiles. I nod. "Good but let me know if you feel anything at all ok." When we land Goku quickly explains to popo that Vegeta and ally need to use the time chamber. Once they go inside Goku starts pouting. "Man this is going to be boring I hate waiting..." he sits on the ground and stares at the door. I grin. "We can still train even without being in the chamber. Let go Goku... that is unless you're scared a girl might be stronger then you." I grin. He narrows his eyes seriously and stands back up. "Oh that's not fair crystal but if it's a fight you want then I'll be glad to show you how strong I am." Goku stands ready to fight. I ready myself as well and take a deep breath. "Alright Goku show me what you've got!" I start the battle by leading the charge.

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