Chapter 6: The city of magic part 1 - Grey's Dilemma

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The ship docks at the port of a small town I stare out to the familiar city wondering. "Hold on you guys stay here... I'll check it out..." I'm about to leap over the edge of the ship when Grey stops me. "There's no need I know this place... it's where I came from..." I turn back around to face him. "Magnolia?" he nods. "Oh... wait this is great! We can learn magic here right?" Grey nods. "I don't know how gramps is going to feel about me bringing in strays... but... we travel together now so he'll just have to get over it... I'll show you around." He jumps over the edge of the boat and lands on the ground. One after another the crew jumps over the edge of the ship. Once everyone is ready Grey leads the group down the street.

"Grey! There you are my love I've been looking everywhere for you!" grey turns just in time to see a girl with blue hair running over to him. "Juvia!" grey says as she flings herself at him. "Oh I missed you Grey!" she looks up and sees everyone else. "Who are you?" grey puts his hands on Juvia's shoulder and pushes her back holding her away from him. "I don't have time to explain... we have to get to the guild right now... I'll explain everything once we get there." She nods. "Yeah ok..." Grey lets her go and they both lead the group to the guild hall.

Grey stops before opening the door. "I have to warn you... it can get a little... messy... don't pick a fight don't engage in a fight... try not to look at anyone wrong..." everyone nods. Grey takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. Everyone in the guild hall turns and smiles. "Grey is back!" they all cheer. Grey strides to the front of the guild leaving everyone from the crew standing in the doorway. "Grey my boy... where have you been to?" he sighs but before he can speak natsu jumps up onto a table and points at him. "Just where the hell were you! Think you can just disappear! I'm going to kick your ass!" grey ignores natsu. "Master... these are my friends..." he turns and looks back at us all standing in the doorway. Everyone in the hall turns to look at us as we step into the hall.

Natsu runs over to grey and points at his collar. "Hey what's this thing... when did you start wearing jewelry grey?" grey sighs still ignoring natsu. Now that we are all inside the guild and standing in front of the head of the guild I speak. "It's an honor to meet you sir..." he looks across the faces of all the members of my crew. "Grey... you haven't answered my question..." grey sighs. "Sorry gramps but I've got some rather upsetting news..." the guild becomes quiet. "Go on boy..." grey sighs again. "I have to leave the guild..." everyone in the entire guild stands up out of their seats jaws wide open. "What you can't leave grey!" natsu protests. "Surely there must be a reason... so let's hear it..."

"Due to some... unforeseen circumstances I am no longer able to stay here... I don't really know how to explain it but... I'll try my best..." grey tells the guild master about the magic binding him to my crew. "That's a load of shit grey just take the damn thing off!" natsu grabs the collar and pulls it trying to bust it. The collar shocks them both. "natsu just stop... it doesn't come off I've already tried that..." natsu tries once more and they both get shocked again. "No you can't leave grey!" grey turns back to the guild master. "I don't know what else to do... it doesn't come off unless I die..." everyone in the guild gathers around grey. Then juvia notices that each member of my crew has one. "Wait they all have one to..." the guild members turn around and look at us.

Erza steps out of the crowd and leans over me. "Are you the one responsible for this?" I cower down a bit. "Sort of... but this wasn't my..." she grabs my arm. "Take it off then!" I feel so helpless. "I can't... I didn't..." greys collar sparks and he realizes it's because Erza is threatening me. "Erza stop!" he runs over pushing himself between us. "If you hurt her then I get hurt to... just stop..." Erza lets go of me and steps back. "Then what are we supposed to do?" he sighs. "Nothing... there's nothing you can do... this magic... it's not like anything I've ever seen... its dark... and not only that but it's strong... so I have to go..." now I'm getting a lot of glares from the guild members including natsu.

"If you believe you should go... then by all means follow your dream grey... however I see no reason why you should leave yet..." we all look up at the guild master. "Gramps..." grey looks back at us. "We are planning to stay for a while... grey was going to teach us how to use magic..." I say stepping forward. The guild master nods. "Then you can stay as long as you need... I will always have open doors to those who seek to hone their magic abilities... and it'll grey a chance to say goodbye." Grey turns back to the guild master surprised. "You're not going to try to stop me?" the guild master shakes his head. "You know the rules for leaving..." grey nods. "Never give out sensitive information about the guild... never use contacts I've made through the guild for personal gain..." Grey shakes as he speaks and is unable to continue because he becomes overwhelmed with emotions.

"Though our paths may have diverged, you must continue to live out your life with all your might, you must never consider your own life to be something insignificant, and you must never forget about your friends for as long as you live." I say without thinking. Everyone in the guild turns to me. Grey nods. "And that too..." he looks back up at the guild master. "Before I leave though... I would like to spend just a few days..." the guild master nods. "of course... you said your friends were learning magic... this is a good a place as any to do so... now which of you wishes to learn the art of magic?" he looks up at my group. Keima who is standing by me steps forward. "I do sir..." I smile recognizing his self-confidence has gone way up since me meeting him. "Me too..." I steps up to stand by Keima. The guild master nods. "Ok children... show me what you can do... I assume grey already taught you how to use magic?" we both nod and summon our elements.

Grey turns to the guild master. "They can use magic yes... but they lack the spirit to make it more powerful..." grey says this right as both Keima and myself manage to use our magic. The half of the guild on my side is drenched and the half on Keima's side gets knocked over by a gust of air. The guild maser nods. "Then that is what we will work on..." he steps down from the counter and walks over to us. "These next few days will be hard training for you but you think you can handle it?" we both nod. Then the guild master turns to the rest of the crew. "You are welcome to stay here since you do not have a home... but you must keep in mind you are not to get my family into any trouble or I will kill you. Got that!" they all nod.

I turn to my crew. "It's cool guys go hang out have some drinks meet everyone... I'm sure you'll find something to do here..." I point over to the tall girl with dark hair and look at Zoro. "I think you'll like her Zoro all she does is drink..." the second I said drink Zoro became interested. "Don't mind if I do..." he says walking over to her to strike up a conversation. I try to remember everyone various magic's. "Sanji the girl behind the counter... she's real nice she likes to cook you should go help her out." As I look back up I see most of my crew members have already begun to mingle with fairytail guild members. "Oh I guess I don't have to tell them to go then... alright let's go guild master."

The guild master leads us to a room in the back which is mostly empty. "Alright let's start... but first... tell me... how do you know so much about this guild?" grey looks on from his place near the wall. "I know this is going to sound dumb but I read about it..." he seems really confused by this statement. "It is hard to explain old man... just show them how to use the magic..." he nods. "very well... lets begin"


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