Chapter 21: kanto adventures part 2

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I sit up and put my hand on my head. "ow... my head hurts... what happened..." I look around and see a couple pokemon laying around on the ground and the crashed balloon torn to shreds and laying all over the place. "We crashed... oh that right... wait where is everyone!" I stand up and look around. "guys! Is everyone ok?" when nobody answer I run over to the basket and start pushing pieces out of the way. "Grey! Oh my gosh... grey are you alright..." he struggles onto his feet. "Yeah I'm alright... were is everyone else..." he stumbles and trips. "You're not fine grey... what is wrong..." he grins and tries to fight to stay on his feet. "Alright you got me but what are you going to do if I tell you it hurts to walk..." I unclip greys pokeball from my belt. "I have this... I don't want to use it but it looks like everyone is going to need to be put in their pokeballs until I can get to a pokemon center..."

"Ok do it then... I won't hold it against you." I nod and hold it up to him. "I promise I'll get there as fast as I can grey... return." Grey disappears into the ball. I clip it back into place and stand up again. "I need to find cress... and Keima... there he is!" I spot Keima laying on the ground next to Sasuke. I run over to them. "Hey guys are you alright get up!" Keima looks over at me. "Crystal? My head hurts..." he sits up and looks down at Sasuke. I push Sasuke a little trying to get him to wake up. "Hey Sasuke... are you alright get up..." Sasuke blinks and looks up. "What happened... my whole body hurts..." he pushes himself on his feet and just like grey is unable to stand for too long. "I don't really have time to explain but how do you feel about traveling in your pokeball for a while..." he looks at me slightly annoyed and almost falls again. He sighs. "If it means I don't have to walk fine... but you better not forget me in there..." I nod. "I promise. Return." Once Sasuke disappears I turn to Keima. "You need to find your 2 and cress... we need to get them to the pokemon center right away..." Keima nods. "Kiba and his dog are in their pokeball already... I returned them before the crash... because they were tired from using their fire to push the balloon." I nod. "Alright help me find cress then..."

Keima stands up and walks around with me. "There is lee and Sanji... go see if they are alright... cress has their pokeballs so there isn't anything we can do until I find him." Keima nods and runs over to them to check on them. I find Katrina laying not far from death the kid and I quickly return her as well. I spot cress sitting on the ground and I run over. "Cress there you are... are you injured..." he nods. "No but I'm really dizzy... what happened?" he stands up and rocks back and forth a bit before gaining his footing. "the balloon crashed we have to find everyone and get them looked at grey and Sasuke are in bad shape and I've only been able to find three of my 6... and 3 of your 6 which means we still have missing members..." as I say this Keima walks over with an injured Sanji and rock lee. "They can walk but they aren't in the best shape... and kid isn't much better off. He couldn't even stand up..." Keima says trying to hold Sanji up because he keeps falling over.

"I am alright. I just need a moment to rest." Rock lee says then immediately falls over. "cress put them in their pokeballs it's the only way we are going to be able to carry them all... grey, Sasuke, and Katrina are already in theirs and we need to hurry who knows what condition the others are in..." cress nods and returns rock lee and Sanji. We hurry back to the spot where I had seen death the kid and cress quickly returns him as well. I scan the area trying to find anyone else. "Look over there something is moving..." Keima points over to a path of trees and grass. Liz and patty stumble out of the grass and look up at us. "Oh good we found you! Some of us landed over there but we are the only ones that could still move... Gaara and Erza are just lying on the ground they aren't even responding and Tenten is over there to but she can't move..." Liz yells pointing at the grass and trees. The two of them lead us over to where we find the remaining crew members. Cress returns Liz, patty, and Tenten. I check on Gaara and Erza. "Their breathing... must just be unconscious..." I return them and turn to Keima and cress. "Do any of you see Zoro anywhere?"

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