Chapter 15: training the sharingan mind manipulation

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Back on the ship the following morning I'm training with Sasuke. "Try again crystal... you're so close..." I groan in frustration. "I've tried and tried Sasuke it's not working... and you said I could hurt me this way so why are you trying to get me to use it on Keima?" Sasuke looks at Keima who is looking very unamused by the idea of this training. "I've told you if you do it to him I can fix it... but if you do it to yourself then I can't help you... you need to learn this... now come on try again." I sigh and try once more to place Keima under genjutsu but nothing happens. "Why do I have to do this..." Sasuke turns to Keima. "What are you chicken?" Keima frowns. "No but why can't she put you under genjutsu instead of me... or anyone else on the ship." I nod agreeing with Keima. "Because even cress has a stronger will then you now I don't even know how but he is stronger then you so you have to be the one... now stop being whiny and just do it Keima... and you crystal... I know you learned how to use the Sharingan to share images so stop pretending you don't know how and just do it."

I become frustrated with Sasuke. "Why what's the point... why are you even trying to teach me this..." Sasuke glances at me and grins. "You want to know why it's important. This is why." He pulls out his sword and stabs it through Keima. "Sasuke what are doing? Keima!" I watch Sasuke kill Keima. the image disappears and everything is fine. I stare confused at Keima. "What just happened..." Sasuke grins. "You saw what I wanted you to see... now from the top or you'll see it again and again." I stare at him angrily. "How dare you do that to me!" I glare at Sasuke. He grins. "Come on you can do it control let see it." At first it doesn't seem like anything is happening but that just what I want Sasuke to think. Then Sasuke turns completely red and his nose starts bleeding. I smile letting the image fade from his mind. He blinks and looks around. "Did you just use genjutsu on me?" I smile. "Maybe..." he frowns. "That was a dirty trick! I told you to control not place images though... so your still not doing it right." He wipes his nose with his hand and frowns again. "This is completely inappropriate..." he mumbles.

I grin. "The fact that I could get images into your head must mean I'm getting better right?" he nods. "yeah... but your still not gaining control over your target... all I want you to do is make him walk across the deck and you can't even make him take one step..." I turn back to Keima. "Your still ok with this right?" he nods. "Anything to help you get better... I trust you." I take a deep breath. "Ok time to get serious... come on I can do this..." before anything even happens to Keima Sasuke grins. Then Keima takes a few steps and I let him go. He looks around and then to me smiling. "You did it!" I smile. "I did it!" Sasuke grins. "Finally... alright now let's try something harder... I want you to try to manipulate the next person that walks past... and I don't mean images I mean make them do something... now that you've done it once it should come a lot easier to you." I nod and turn around.

The first person that comes up onto the deck is death the kid. Sasuke leans down behind me. "Try to make him do something he wouldn't normally do..." I smile having just the perfect idea. I use genjutsu on kid to make him believe Sasuke is Justin law. Kid looks over and sees me and he starts to smile until he sees Justin law standing behind me then he turns to Liz and patty. They look at him confused but they turn into their weapon forms because he told them too. I duck out of the way as kid shoots at Sasuke. I start laughing and turn off the jutsu. Kid stands there staring at Sasuke who is looking very confused. "Was that good enough for you Sasuke." Sasuke frowns at me. "You're cheeky... but you did what I asked..." kid looks at us both confused. "Wait what's so funny?" I look up at kid. "I'm sorry I'm practicing my mind thing... you wouldn't understand... but I was trying to show Sasuke I know what I'm doing." Kid frowns. "Well ok... it was fun blasting him... thanks for that..." he walks away shaking his head in confusion.

"What did you make him see that made him shoot me?" Sasuke says looking down at the spot on his chest where kid had shot him. "I made it look as if you were Justin... I didn't think he was going to shoot you but..." Sasuke frowns. "That's not manipulation... well not the kind I meant... I know you can do images I want you to control them not send them pictures... try again." I roll my eyes and look cross the deck for somebody else. "This feel so wrong... shouldn't I be asking them first?" I say finding nobody at the minute. "no you don't ask first... are you going to kindly walk up to an enemy and ask to place them in a trance? No you're not? So you need to use people who don't know what you're doing... now... I want you to try this... the next person you see... I want you to make them use one of their own attacks... make them do what you want them to." I roll my eyes again and spot grey walking along the side of the deck. Sasuke spots him too and grins. "Perfect make him do something with his ice... you can do it just try."

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