Chapter 17: hidden leaf village island part 1

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"Hey some land over there!" I yell pointing out over the side of the ship. We dock at the familiar looking island. I stare up at the huge wall blocking our site of whatever lies beyond. "Well this wall could mean one of two things... we're either in the attack on titan world... which a doubt..." I turn to Sasuke and lee. "Or this is the hidden leaf village..." they both nod. "Yes it is I would recognize my own village." Lee says giving the thumbs up even though it's not directed to anyone. Cress becomes very excited. "Oh will we get to meet the famous might Gai you always talk about!" lee nods. "Yes that would be fun! Let's go!" before I can stop them the two over enthusiastic tijutsu users jump off the ship and begin running down the dock towards the wall. "Wait guys wait for the rest of us!" I run after them.

After a minute I suddenly realize I'm no longer moving. I can't move any part of my body. "Pirates... what is this all about now... hey lee is that you?" I see Shikamaru appear from behind a tree his shadow stretched cross the grass. "Shikamaru!" I hear lee laugh. "It has been a long time!" Shino jumps down from a nearby tree. "Shikamaru... Gaara is here too..." then Sakura walks over and spots Sasuke. "Sasuke! We thought you left again! Where have you been... and why are you hanging out with pirates..." before any of them explain Shikamaru frowns. "obviously they are not just hanging out with pirates... look they all have the same thing on their necks... therefore I would be correct in assuming they are part of this group now..." Shikamaru lets Sasuke, Gaara, and rock lee out of the shadow passion.

"Yeah we are but we can explain..." Sasuke attempts to talk to Sakura but she is furious with him for leaving. "You had me worried sick about you Sasuke!" they stare at each other for a minute. "I'm sorry..." he mumbles and looks away. Sakura stares at him confused. "Sasuke?" he turns back to her. "No I mean it... I am sorry I put you through so much... and through it all you still worry about me... but it has to end Sakura... I can never return to the leaf village... you must forget about me." Another awkward silence. Sakura looks away. "You're leaving again... I had hoped... never mind..." Sakura runs away. Sasuke reaches like he doesn't want her to leave but decides not to follow her. "That could have gone better..." he frowns. "All she does is talk about you Sasuke... you're really breaking her heart..." Shikamaru says not realizing yet how badly that would hurt Sasuke. Sasuke turns to Shikamaru frowning. "I don't need love advice from you. I'm going back to the ship this is stupid..." Sasuke walks back to the ship with his arms crossed.

"Really Shikamaru... he knows... he feels really bad about everything he did... you didn't have to remind him..." Shikamaru raises his eyebrow. "How do you know my name I haven't told you my name... just who the hell are you?" Shikamaru waits for my answer. "Sorry I should explain... I am crystal... could you stop with the shadow... it's really not necessary..." he looks at me skeptically. "How do I know you aren't a spy or something?" I frown. "We aren't bad pirates I'll explain everything..." Shikamaru studies me and then removes his shadow from the rest of the group. "Ok start talking what do you know?" I shake my head and turn to him. "This is going to take a long time to explain so I'll give you the short version... I'm from a world where everything here is fake... I've been somehow magically transported to this world where everything that used to be fake to me is now suddenly real... the magic that brought me here also gave me this collar... and has given one to each member of my crew as well magically binding us all together... everyone who was pulled onto my ship with this magic isn't allowed to leave otherwise the collar will kill them... and as it turns out the only way to remove them is to die... that's pretty much it... it's now up to you weather you believe me or not."

Shikamaru raises his eyebrow. "So you're from a different world? One where we are made up? But now you're in a world where we are real? Is that what you said?" I nod and he continues. "Ok then if you know about us you'll be able to answer some basic questions... then I will decide if I should let you go or not sound fair?" I nod accepting his challenge. "Ok first question this guy next to me... who is he and what does he do?" I smile. "That's an easy one Shino he uses bugs... he's a bug tamer." Shikamaru nods. "Ok what is the name of my sensei?" I smile again. "asuma." Shikamaru seems impressed that I guessed but continues his questions. "Who are the other two members of my team and what is our signature move called." He grins believing I'll never guess this one. "Ino and Choji... and your move is ino-shika-cho. It is passed down through your clans for generations." Shikamaru turns to Shino. "You have any questions because I'm stumped..." Shino nods and turns to me. "Name the Hokage of the leaf in order..." I roll my eyes. "Ok hold on this one might take me a minute.... The first one was hashirama... the second was tobirama... lord third was sarutobi... the forth was naruto's dad minato... and the fifth is Tsunade. Soon I know kakashi also becomes Hokage... and then later Naruto will be Hokage but I'm assuming that hasn't happened yet."

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