Chapter 19: mysterious purple fog. Pokemon islands

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After another month of training with the ninjas Keima gets better and we begin our traveling once more. "7 months together... 2 spent on what I am calling hidden leaf  village island. I'm so glad that everyone is alright after all the things we've been through." I smile and look up from my book out over the crowd of crew members walking around the ship. "Doing a head count I will now make sure my list of crew members is accurate. Because we had two new members added from the leaf an update to the list is required." I think to myself looking back at the book and scanning my list. "let's see now... Gaara and Keima and myself... grey... Sasuke... lee... kid and his two weapons Liz and patty... Erza... Sanji and Zoro... and cress... plus there's Katrina and now we have Tenten and Kiba... what a crew this has turned out to be..." I check the list once more and then close the book.

I stand up with the book in my hand. "Keima how you feeling you want to quit yet?" Keima turns to me out of breath from training with lee. "No I can do it!" he says smiling. I nod. "Ok... I'm going to go have a look around." He nods and goes back to kicking lee. "Come on Keima 200 more! You can do it!" I watch Keima kick lee's arm for a moment. I walk over to the edge of the ship and look out at the water. "It has been such a beautiful morning everyday... maybe we are just incredibly lucky... what is that?" I notice a strange purple mist rising up from the horizon right in the direction we are sailing.

"What is wrong crystal did you say something?" grey stops and looks over the edge. "Look over there the purple fog... what do you suppose it is?" grey shrugs. "Not sure... but we should probably avoid it..." I look around noticing that the purple fog seems to stretch on and on forever and it curved forward blocking any attempt to go around it. "Looks like backwards is the only way to avoid this fog... so I guess we'll just have to..." I'm interrupted when grey frowns and points at the deck of the ship where the light purple mist already swirls around on the wood. "Look like the fog has other plans..." we watch the fog for a moment and I shrug it off. "Well if it was harmful something bad would have happened by now... so I guess it doesn't matter..." grey nods.

By now everyone has noticed the weird purple fog, and they have all stopped to stare at it. We edge closer to the big cloud and more purple fog floods onto the ship. Once we have gotten close enough to the fog that turning around would be pointless I begin to feel strange. "Maybe we should have turned back when we had the chance..." grey nods. "Yeah I don't feel good..." I put my arm up as we go through the cloud trying to block my eyes. After a few moments we pass through the cloud and the feeling disappears. "Oh maybe it was just me worrying that made me sick..." I say looking at the water. "Yeah I feel kind of weird though... hey how did you get so tall?" grey says. I turn to look were grey had been standing but can't see him. "What do you mean tall grey... hey where did you go?" after I say this I look down and see a Glaceon staring up at me wearing grey's necklace. "What do you mean you're looking right at me... what's wrong is there something on my face..." the Glaceon speaks.

"Grey... is that you? You look like a pokemon?" I put my hand over my mouth trying to hide the gasp. "What is the matter? I'm the same guy I was a few minutes ago... why are you looking at me like that?" I am about to explain when Keima runs over. "Oh thank goodness you're alright... the purple cloud of fog... it seems to have turned everyone else into weird creatures..." my eyes widen. "But why... and if so then why didn't we change?" grey stares up at us confused. "Ok somebody better tell me what is going on... what is that thing!" grey hides behind me cowering down as a Houndoom walks over.

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