Chapter 9: leaving death city. my keepsakes are real?

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After the party kid gathers everyone together and we all head back to the ship. Once we get there kid sighs and turns around. "What's wrong kid?" he smiles back at the city. "I didn't realize how much I was going to miss it... I'm just glad I managed to say goodbye to everyone... and I didn't see blackstar so he won't know we've left until it is too late." I am about to say something when I am beaten to it. "You didn't think I'd let you leave just like that!" blackstar says standing on the ship looking down at us still on the dock. "How the hell did you know we were going to be here?" kid says looking up at blackstar. Blackstar jumps down off the ship and holds up tsubaki in ninja blade mode. "You were going to try to leave without fighting me how rude."

I notice some of the crew members get very offensive and even take out their weapons to defend kid from blackstar. "No guys... this is kids fight... go to the ship..." grudgingly Zoro and Sanji climb up the ropes to get back to the ship because they know better than everyone else not to question the captain of a pirate ship. Following Zoro and Sanji the rest of the members climb up onto the ship. I turn to Keima. "We aren't getting involved either... but I'm staying here to watch..." Keima nods. "Ok... I'll watch too." Blackstar and kid stare at each other. "I don't want to fight you blackstar... I don't want to leave this way." Blackstar frowns holding tsubaki in a battle ready pose. "You can't leave unless you beat me."

When kid refuses to fight again blackstar walks over to him. "You forced me to do this kid." Black star disappears. "What? Where did he go!" Keima says looking around. Soon he reappears behind kid and lets tsubaki glide through kid's hair as kid turns around. My hands cover my mouth to muffle the gasp that escape as a big chuck of kids hair falls to the ground. "This is about to get really bad Keima... we should get back..." Keima looks me confused. "What it's just hair?" I quickly grab Keima and pull him back a little ways. "Not to kid it's not just watch you'll see." Kid glares at blackstar. "Why would you do that? You know how I feel about my hair!" blackstar grins as kid holds up his twins pistols. "You brought this on yourself! Let go soul resonance!" I turn to Keima. "That move has a large blast range... get ready." Keima nods. I look up at my crew who are watching from the ship. "Brace yourselves!" they hear me and stand ready. "Death canon!" blackstar jumps out of the explosion holding chain scythe and attacks kid.

The battle between kid and blackstar is intense most of the crew members have to fight themselves to not jump in the middle of it including myself. Blackstar slides across the ground then charges back at kid. Kid shoots repeatedly but blackstar dodges every move he makes. "He's going to us his soul attack... he's just trying to distract kid with tsubaki." Blackstar vanishes again. Kid stands perfectly still then all in the same breath faces one gun behind him and shoots into what we see is nothing but then blackstar falls to the ground. Kid turns around to him now. "Are you satisfied now blackstar?" blackstar laughs on the ground. "Yeah I'm good... you can leave now... but I'll beat you next time." Kid shakes his head annoyed at blackstar and walks over to me. Tsubaki turns back to human form to help blackstar. Kid drops Liz and Patti on the ground and they turn back to human form. Kid climbs up onto the ship without saying a word. Keima follows him and I follow Keima. Up on deck kid is standing in the crowd of crew members.

They are all congratulating him but it just seems to be making him more upset. I run into the crowd and hold my hands up. "Not now guys... not now... kid come with me..." I pull him away from the crowd. Keima is the only one who follows us to my room. Kid still doesn't seem to want to talk but he is thankful to be away from all the eyes. "Keima get me something that I can use to cut... like a sword or some scissors... don't let anyone else in this room..." kid looks up at me once Keima has disappeared. "You're going to fix it right?" I nod. "Your hair yeah I know how much this bothers you... it's going to be shorter than before because he cut you good... but it will be symmetrical again..." he faces back forward again. "Ok... how short..." I frown. "well you can't see how bad it is but... really short I'm sorry... if I knew he was going to chop up your hair I would have stopped him..." kid continues to look forward.

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