Chapter 31: The Rebirth of the Saiyans

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It's the world tournament and I know how everything is going to play out. The kids fight in their own class of events which trunks wins after a stunning battle with Alex. Ally had decided not to enter because she didn't feel like fighting. I stand next to Goku and Vegeta waiting for Gohan's turn when I know he will be attacked. I see supreme Ki and his friend kabito watching the fights. I look over at Vegeta who seems relaxed and wonder if he is still a target for the mind control of bibbidi. Just then I notice supreme Ki look at me shocked. "Look Ki you haven't got anything to worry about... I'm here I'm going to stop it from happening..." I say not turning to him. He seems more confused now that I guessed what he was thinking.

I wait till Gohan is attacked then I spring forward after them following the other z fighters. On the way supreme Ki is telling the story of majin buu and I nod. "It's worse than that... we won't be able to hide when we get there the demon king Debora is under bibbidi spell and he's going to attack us." I say this and turn to see the surprised look on Ki's face. "Then we'll follow your lead." Ki says nodding. Because Ki can read my mind I know he has seen every thought I've had since we met so I purposely thought about the battle ahead to warn Ki to stay back. "Alright listen when we land... the demon king is going to attack us... Goku, Vegeta, and I are strong enough we could take him but he's going to try to turn everyone else into stone. Then he's going to flee into a spaceship. I don't plan on letting him get that far." I say decisively.

Goku and Vegeta both nod. "Don't let him spit on you." I say as we land. Gohan looks a bit confused but he doesn't argue. The non saiyan members of the team stay back while we land near Debora. "Cocky are we..." Debora starts to make a snide remark but I punch him in the face. He starts to make his way to the ship but I cut off his path. "Where you going I'm not done with you yet!" I start laying into Debora with everything I've got, but he is a lot stronger then I had thought and easily defends. As the fight progresses the enemy's that are in the ship come out and Goku and Vegeta get quickly distracted. Goku and Vegeta easily finish off the two enemies and decide to wait for me. After a difficult battle i manage to get him down by using super saiyan 2. I power back down to normal and land unsure what our next move should be. As I'm trying to decide what we should do next bibbidi comes out of the ship looking extremely pised. I turn to attack him and feel a sharp pain pierce through me. My eyes widen as the beam passes through me. I collapses to the ground unable to move I can taste the blood in my mouth.

I hear the muffled voices around me as the light in my eyes fades away. I see Vegeta blast bibbidi with a final flash and then everything goes black. When I wake up I'm in an unfamiliar place with grass and water. I look around confused it looks like earth but... instead of clouds in the sky I can see planets. "I must be on the Ki planet... oh no! That means I died!" I start to panic. After a few short minutes supreme Ki and kabito appear next to me. "Ki there's been a mistake... I... I can't be dead..." I stammer. Ki frowns "I'm sorry they tried to save you they just weren't quick enough... Debora wasn't finished he shot you... there wasn't anything we could do..." Ki clinches his fist and looks down. "And majin buu... did we stop him?" I say devastated. "Yes... we destroyed buu... thanks to you... the world is safe." Ki smiles a bit and looks at kabito. "That's good I guess... but what am I going to do now that I'm dead..."

"You're welcome to stay here. After all this may be a Ki planet but you did save the world." He nods. "Thanks... I guess..." I frown and sit on the ground. "I can't believe I missed the whole fight... and I died... what about my friends... what happens to them now?" I say turning to Ki. "I'm sure Goku will wish you back with the dragonballs in no time after all this time the world was in danger nobody died... well besides you..." Ki shrugs. I smile a bit knowing that is good compared to the entire earth being destroyed by buu. "That was brave what you tried to do. And your effort led us to buu we were able to destroy him before he hurt anybody. Just hang out here for a bit I'm sure they'll have the dragonballs in no time." Ki says turning to walk away. "Alright thanks Ki but... I think while I'm here in other world I'm going to take a quick trip to hell... I want to meet somebody while I have the chance." I smile and start to walk away.

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