Chapter 2: Getting to know my crew

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"Is she dead..." I hear a soft voice next to me ring out. 

"Doesn't appear so... though she is unconscious... I'm more concerned with how we got here..." another voice from next to me rings through my head. 

"Yeah one minute I'm enjoying a nice brawl in my wizard guild the next thing I know poof I'm here..." a new voice sounds from nearby. 

"And what's up with these stupid collars they won't come off!" another more agitated voice complains. 

I groan and put my hands on my head. "I'm not dead... but man my head hurts..." I sit up slowly and look around. "What's going on here..."I say my eyes widen as I recognize the faces of some of my favorite manga characters.

A few of them smile realizing I'm not dead but a few other ones look really annoyed. 

Sanji pokes my side with his finger and then sits back on the deck. "I don't know how I got here... but whatever... she's cute... I'll stay." Sanji says. 

Zoro gets this really annoyed look on his face. "Oh yeah Sanji, what about Luffy?" 

Sanji pauses and then shrugs. "Well there's nothing we can do about it... we've already tried leaving and that didn't work..." he looks over at one of the men who I recognize as rock lee slumped over on the ground staring at the sea.

"Wait... we're on a ship... a pirate ship?" I ask looking at them all. 

Zoro nods. "Yeah you've just been laying there passed out for like 4 hours... you don't have any clue what's going on do you?" 

I look down at my hand. "My dream..." they seem confused by this. 

"Your dream? I'm afraid I don't understand?" the one who just spoke I instantly recognize to be death the kid from one of my favorite manga. 

"I'm sorry... tell me what happened when you tried to leave..." I ask looking at Sanji. 

Sanji nods to rock lee who just then turned around and saw I was awake and ran over. "I tried to jump off the ship... but I just bounced right back up..." he says looking around confused. 

"It's as if there is some kind of weird sorcery going on here that won't let us leave the ship." Zoro says crossing his arms. 

"And to make it worse... these things shock us every time we try to leave..." grey says pointing to a shiny collar on his neck. As my gaze travels across the men I notice they all have the same shiny collar.

"This is all my fault... well... we'll just have to figure out what's going on here." I stand up and feel my own neck where I find I too have a similar shiny collar. I look behind them and see there is one who didn't come over to see if I was ok. One I know as Keima Katsuragi I look over at him eyebrow raised. "The gamer boy from that manga about conquesting girls... why is he here?" I wonder out loud. I turn back and do a head count. "Ok so there's... Sanji and Zoro... and then I see grey fullbuster... and death the kid... and Keima... and rock lee... is that everyone?" I spin around and see a familiar head of blue hair standing in a doorway not far away. "And cress is here too lovely... wait... 1...3...6...7? Only 7 really?" I pout both confused and happy due to these are my favorite characters from my favorite manga.

"no there's three more... one of them was an extremely closed off guy... he went below deck because he couldn't jump over the edge of the boat... another was listening to earbuds and didn't realize he was even here until a little while ago... I have no idea where he went... and the other..." Sanji begins to explain but rock lee interrupts him. 

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