Chapter 29: Cell Games

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I stand back away from the other fighters who have all gathered to fight in the cell games. I know that if I let this play out Goku will end up fighting cell and then when Goku realizes he can't beat cell himself he'll ask me to do it because I managed to convince Goku not to let Gohan come to the tournament. I watch as all the human fighters go down one by one at the hands of cell. Goku steps forward. "Ok cell I will fight you." Goku insists on going first just as I knew he would. I turn to Krillen and grin. "You still got those senzu beans... because we're going to need them if this doesn't work." Krillen nods and puts his hand over his pocket. "Yeah I've got them but are you sure this will work?" Krillen frowns. "I don't see why it wouldn't work but we'll know soon enough." I say stepping up to the edge of the ring to get a better view of the fight.

"He's not at full power... he's just toying with Goku right now." I tell myself watching the fight. After a while of fighting Goku realizes this and stops. "Cell as fun as this is I can't beat you... so I'm going to have to resign from the fight." Goku walks off the stage. "Alright then who will fight me?" cell turns to Vegeta grinning. I'm about to step up when Vegeta flies up to cell. "I'll fight you!" Vegeta grins. My eyes widen in disbelief. "Vegeta I'm supposed to fight him!" I yell. "You can fight him when I'm finished woman!" Vegeta growls back and turns to cell. "That is if he is still alive once I'm done with him." Vegeta and cell begin to fight while I watch angrily.

"I thought you were going to fight him crystal..." ally says confused. "I did too. But if Vegeta wants to get his ass kicked that's fine with me." I pout. Cell floors Vegeta easily and Krillen rushes over with a senzu bean. "I've had enough time for you all to die. Your far too boring." Cell says annoyed and begins to count us. He makes 7 eggs and I know that he is about to use cell juniors against us. "Alright my children kill them all." Cell points at us. The cell jr attack. I power up to super saiyan 2 and turn to cell. "The real fight has just begun!" I charge at the surprised cell but I'm stopped by the 7 junior cell's. After I take them all out one by one I turn back to cell. "Well you certainly are strong... but let's see how you deal with this!" cell starts to charge up a Kamehameha wave. I disappear and appear in front of him and punch him in the stomach. After gagging for 5 minutes he spits up android 18. I grin. "Time for me to end this." I relentlessly attack cell. After I see that cell can't fight back I turn to Goku. "Goku you and Vegeta need to use your attacks at the same time with mine!" I appear by them in a second and I charge up my kahama wave along with Goku. Vegeta charges up his final flash.

After the dust settles I search but can't sense cell anymore. "Alright I think we got him..." I say out of breath using a lot of energy in the blast left me without much energy afterwards. "Well that wasn't according to plan but hey it still turned out ok in the end." Ally smiles. I nod and take a deep breath. "I only ascended to super saiyan 2 last week... but still I don't feel like I should have been strong enough to defeat cell... I think we got lucky he didn't transform to perfect cell after I saved 18..." I turn back to Krillen who is helping 18 up off the ground. "Didn't think you could get rid of me that easy did you." Cell reappears in perfect form and fires a beam that pierces through ally. She falls to the ground bleeding heavily.

"ALLY!" Goku, Vegeta, and I scream at the same time. My eye begins to twitch as the anger builds up. "Oh no but I thought we destroyed cell..." Goku turns around shock on his face. "Krillen senzu bean!" Yamcha yells kneeling by ally. "We're out of senzu beans!" Krillen yells frantically. "What! That's not good!" Yamcha grinds his teeth. Goku rushes over to them. "This isn't good! I'll take her to Dende... crystal can you handle this?" Goku picks up ally carefully. "Go I'll be along in a moment... once I kill cell." I say going back into super saiyan 2 and turning to him raging. Before I have the chance to move Vegeta shoots past me in a furious rage and starts beating cell to a pulp. "How dare you! She wasn't even part of this fight!" he screams as he matches cell blow for blow. I jump in and attack with him. "Two against one is a bit unfair but you still can't beat me." Cell taunts just before I lay him out flat.

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