chapter 10: meeting on the sea! luffy doesn't like me?

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We run out on deck to see what's going on. Zoro points to a ship in the distance. "You're not going to believe this... but Luffy is right there... and he's heading right for us..." I sigh. "Damn it well this can't get any worse can it..." Keima looks at me. "I've heard you say that name before... Luffy? Who is he?" I frown. "he's another pirate... he's Zoro and sanji's captain... well except that he isn't anymore... and I have a feeling he's not going to be very happy when he finds them on my ship..." Zoro and Sanji glance at each other. "This is going to be bad... you don't think he would actually hurt us do you?" Sanji says thinking about how easily Luffy took down arlong the fishmen pirate while Sanji and Zoro barley stood any chance against him fighting as a team. "Don't know... pirate rules and such... I'm not completely familiar with but I do know in every case I've heard of when a crew member abandons the crew... they are normally killed by the captain... I just hope he understands... that we can't leave... or we may have to fight him..."

Realizing Zoro was right I slap myself in the face. "I wish I had watched more of this show... but I only got as far as the grand line... I don't know what happens next... and I don't know how Luffy will react if he sees you here..." they both look at me. "You know everything about everyone else but us! Then why are we here?" I shrug "I thought Sanji girl crazy personality was kind of cute... and Zoro's skills were awesome so... you two quickly became my favorite characters from that show..." they both look at each other. "We're screwed..." Sanji says and Zoro nods in agreement. They both seem a little devastated that out of all the members of the crew I knew next to nothing about them. "the stuff I do know about you leads up directly to the point where you came from... so if I knew more I would only being knowing a you that doesn't even exist... so there's that..." this seems to make them feel a little better. "that's true... if all she knows it what leads us to right now then that's good enough our future would have changed anyways because we aren't with Luffy now..." Zoro says turning to Sanji again.

Sanji nods. "Look I can see luffy's flag now... he's really close... are you sure there's no way we can avoid this?" I nod. "No we can't... and once he steps on this ship we won't have a choice... if he wants to fight we will have to fight..." they all nod. Keima doesn't look very happy about this. "Is he strong? Should we be scared?" I nod. "He's very strong... and just maybe strong enough to take us all out... but we have something very useful... he doesn't like water and I have lots of it..." Zoro and Sanji both frown. "Don't hurt him... he's stubborn but he doesn't deserve to die..." Zoro says scowling. "I didn't plan on it... but if I can get him to a point where he admits defeat then..." Sanji shakes his head. "Not likely... he never gives up..." I look back at luffy's ship. "I know..."

Luffy's ship is now close enough that we can see him standing on the front of the ship. "Hey pirates! Cool! We've been sailing a long time and haven't seen anybody for like a month... you guys didn't happen to... there they are!" Luffy yells pointing at Zoro and Sanji. Luffy quickly jumps off his boat onto mine and runs across the deck to Zoro and Sanji. "We looked everywhere for you two... we thought you had died... what happened? How did you get here?" Zoro steps forward and puts his hand on luffy's shoulder. "Luffy... we need to talk..." Luffy smiles. "It can wait come on let's go!" he tries to pull Zoro away but Sanji stops him. "No it can't wait this is important..." Luffy turns back to Sanji a serious look on his face. "The only thing serious right now is that we got to get to the grand line!" they frown. "We can't go to the grand line Luffy..." Luffy frowns. "But you're on my crew?" they exchange a glance. "We can't be on your crew anymore either... we can't leave..." Zoro says trying to explain but Luffy doesn't seem to want to listen.

"Come on guys stop messing around..." Luffy pulls again but Zoro doesn't budge. "This is serious look at my face does it look like I'm joking?" Luffy lets go searching Zoro's face with confusion. "But you said..." Zoro turns to me for help. I shrug and he turns back to Luffy. "Things change Luffy..." Luffy looks around and then turns back to Zoro and Sanji confused. "What are those weird things on your neck there..." Zoro nods. "That's the reason we can't go... these tie all of us here to her... but honestly it's not so bad here either..." Luffy grabs them and pulls shocking the three of them. "Stop you idiot that hurts!" Luffy lets go. "What kind of weird thing is that!" he stares at it. "Take it off." Zoro frowns. "We can't Luffy they don't come off..." Luffy frowns. "I don't believe it they have to come off somehow..." he grabs them again shocking the three of them once more. "Luffy knock it off!" Sanji yells pushing him away.

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