Chapter 11: cosplaying for realz

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"What no! We have to leave right now! This place is bad news! I just hope they haven't seen us yet..." they seem confused and then a bunch of guys in uniform storm the ship. I push myself up into a sitting position. As the men flood into the room pushing everyone up against the wall. "What's going on here?" I scream. The men stop and turn as their boss enters the room. "Oh... your just pirates... why are you stopping here of all places?" I frown. "Tell your men to stand down... I was unconscious until moments ago... I will leave right now." The man picks up his radio. "It's just pirates sir... not spy's... what should we do?" he holds up the radio waiting for a response. "What do they want?" a voice on the other end speaks. "Nothing... it appears they are just waiting for their captain to recover from an injury..." we wait another few moments. "Ok back to base leave them alone they aren't any problem of ours." The man nods and looks around. "You heard him stand down... we are sorry for this misunderstanding... you have our deepest apologizes..." they men flee the ship.

"What just happened..." Sasuke says rubbing his wrist which was red from him struggling against the men. "We need to leave... before they decide to arrest us... I would love to help these people believe me... but this is something I would like to avoid... besides it works out for them in the end so let's leave now... right now..." Keima looks at me. "I've never seen you this upset... what's wrong?" I don't have time to argue with them I try to stand up but I fall on the floor. "Gaara get us out of here... now!" he turns to Erza. "I need your help lets hurry... she seems extremely upset about this..." grey, erza, gaara, sasuke, and lee run out to the deck to do as I requested. Keima helps me up off the floor. "Lay back down you're not well yet..." I allow him to sit me back up on the bed. Zoro go over to the door and tell when the island is gone.

Zoro nods and hurries to the door. I sigh. "Oh man that was too close... deadman wonderland is the last place we need to be right now..." they seem confused. "Why captain?" kid says. I glare up at him. "It's not important... we aren't going there..." Sanji scowls at me. "But why it looked fun..." I turn to Sanji. "No! It's not fun! It's horrible! It is a prison on the inside... and they treat the prisoners like some kind of freak show where they just kill them all for fun! Does that sounds fun to you Sanji? You want to go watch some people get horribly mangled? Better yet let's go get ourselves arrested! Then we could be horribly mangled is that what you want!" Sanji stares at me unable to think of anything to say. Keima looks at me utterly stunned. "Why are you yelling at Sanji... you're the only one here who knows anything about these places..."

My misplaced anger fades and I look up at Sanji. "Oh my gosh... i... I'm so sorry Sanji..." he turns to grey who is looking completely dumbstruck. "What the hell was that outburst... you don't have to yell at us..." grey said frowning. I sigh. "No I didn't mean to yell... this place... we shouldn't be here... I can't protect you from them... we can't risk it..." they look at me confused still. "Why though?" I frown. "Because I can't risk losing any of you... you mean too much to me... I would never forgive myself if any of you got taken... that place... means death." Sanji still seems upset at me for yelling at him. I frown wishing I could explain it better so they would understand. "I wish my manga's had shown up in this room like the rest of my stuff... it's hard to explain if you haven't seen the cruelty first hand..."

I wave for Sanji to walk over. He steps over but still doesn't say anything. "I'm going to try something new... don't freak out... I didn't think I would need to use this... but I know I can... I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work..." he looks at me confused. "I'm going to show you what I imagined would happen to us the second I found out we were here..." I use Sharingan. "The eyes? Why?" grey says stepping up. I would show him to but I don't know if it'll work yet and I know it takes a lot more power to do multiple people. I stare into Sanji's eyes with my Sharingan focusing on getting the message across. I see his eyes change and I know it is working. Grey, kid, and Keima watch on in silence. I see the images in my head and send them to sanji's mind.

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