Chapter 3: Rosario + Vampire Island. Who's hottest grey or sasuke?

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The ship docks near the edge of a cliff where the only way up is a small wooden dock. I look around, this place looks familiar to me but I just can't place it. "Anybody have any idea where we are?" I turn to my crew standing behind me. 

They all shake their heads. 

I jump down onto the small wooden dock and stare up at the dark forest in front of me. I lead my crew across the dock and up to the edge of the forest. "Maybe we should go someplace else..." as I say this a small group of very attractive girls pushes through the trees noses up until they see us standing there. The fact that these girls look familiar to me is now driving me insane. 

They step forward until they are right in front of me. "What do you think you're doing here?" the blue haired one in the front says leaning forward. 

"Sorry I think we're lost... we don't even know where we are..." I reply.

The blue haired girl in the front peers behind me as Sanji rushes to the front of the group to get a better view of the ladies.

"You pretty girls shouldn't be out here in scary forest all by yourself." Sanji says pushing past me. 

"Oh aren't you cute..." the blue haired girl says scanning Sanji. 

"Kurumu... we don't have time for this... were supposed to be looking for the rosary..." 

the blue haired girl seems overly fascinated with Sanji and doesn't seem to hear her friend talking. 

Then a girl with long white hair pushes through the trees. "Hey did you guys find it yet... what's going on here?" 

Instantly I know who that is. "Wait if that's moka... then we're... shit! Sanji get away from her right now!" I grab his arm and pull him away just before the blue haired girl can kiss him.

"Hey..." Sanji protests trying to pull away. 

I turn back to the guys. "Back to the ship now!" but before anyone can listen to my command the girls flare up their monster abilities and the blue haired girl abducts Sanji. "Wait give him back!" the boys are still confused even more so now that the pretty girls have become terrifying. I jump up trying to grab sanji's leg but the girl is flying too high for me to reach. "Sanji! Don't kiss her! She's a succubus! Like a real one!" 

Sanji is instantly more aware of the situation. "Wait are you serious! Get me down then!" 

I turn to Gaara. "Get him down quickly!" 

Gaara sends sand up between the girl and Sanji blocking her second attempt to kiss him. Then he swirls the sand around her arm. "Sand coffin!" 

Sanji drops out of her grasp as she scream in pain. 

Gaara then catches Sanji using his sand and brings him down to the ground. 

"You, how dare you! Now you're going to pay!" as the succubus dives in for an attack I catch sight of the snow girl using her ice. 

"Sasuke!" I yell pointing to the snow girl. 

He nods and leaps in. "fire style fire ball jutsu!" he shoots fire at her. This catches her off guard and she is struck. 

Gaara dodges every move the succubus makes but doesn't have much space to work with because all the crew members are still on the docks. 

Zoro pulls out his three swords and leaps off of death the kid's back into the air over the succubus clipping her wing with his sword. Just as he's celebrating his victory a pan falls out of the sky and hits him on the head. 

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