Chapter 13: Keima says goodbye.

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I walk the deck with Keima and grey. We walk around searching the edge of the water as far as we can see for land. "Is that something?" I say pointing into the distance. They both look. "Yeah that looks like something... you think we should go check it out?" I nod. "I don't know... I got a bad feeling about that island..." Keima says putting his hand on his chin. I raise my eyebrow. "Really Keima? What's up?" he shrugs. "I don't know just got this weird feeling about that place... I'm sure it's nothing... let's go." He nods.

We ready to dock at the island. As we get closer the look on Keima face changes from confused to shock. I know what he's about to say because I've only just now also recognized the place we were at. "This is your town isn't it Keima..." he nods. "Yes I could recognize it anywhere... look you can even see the top of the school library over that way... it's one of the tallest buildings on that side of town." I nod. "You going to go see your mom then since we're here?" he nods. "Yes... I want to make sure she knows I'm ok... but I think I'll grab my games too while I'm home... the few you have I have already played so many times that they bore me now..." I nod.

By the time we have lowered the anchor the idea of docking had brought out all the crew members who couldn't wait to hit the streets in search of anything to do. "ok you all know the deal... but because Katrina doesn't know I'm going over this just once more for her... you can do anything in town you'd like... buy whatever you want I don't care... however once the sun goes down I expect everyone back here on the ship... if you do not come back by that time I will have to assume something bad has happened to you and come find you. Everyone understand the one rule?" they all nod. "Alright go have fun then." They run past and jump over the edge into the town. As Katrina passes I grab her arm. "Promise me you won't do anything stupid... and no bringing guys back to the ship." She nods. "I promise can I go now." I nod. "Yeah..." she runs happily after the others.

I turn to Keima who is still standing in the same place as before. "Are you ok Keima?" he nods. "Yeah let's go..." he jumps over the edge of the boat onto the dock. I follow him. As we walk down the street he seems to be in a sort of trance. He leads me to the front gate of his mother's house where he then stops and stares at the door. "Keima..." he turns to me. "Do you think she'll be mad at me?" I shrug. "I think she'll just be glad your home..." he opens the gate and the front door flies open. "Keima! Your home! Mom he's home!" Elsie runs down the sidewalk and hugs Keima. Keima shows no emotion to this but simply sighs. "Elsie..." he mumbles. She steps back frowning. "I'm sorry I forgot you don't like touching..." he shakes his head. "it's not that... I'll tell you inside..." he takes my hand and leads me inside the home where he is greeted by another hug from his mother.

"I was so worried about you Keima where have you been... don't ever do this to me again!" Keima still showing no emotion to this struggles to free himself from the hug. "Mom... stop it..." she looks up and sees me. "You've brought a girl? Keima what's going on here?" she steps back blinking at him surprised. "Mom I have to talk to you... can I talk to you right now?" she nods. "Yes of course..." he walks to the living room and sits down turning off the tv because its distracting him. "Look I know my disappearing must have been really hard on you... and I can explain everything... but you have to not interrupt me ok." Keima turns to his mother as she sits down. "Ok sweaty go ahead and talk." She smiles.

Keima explains to his mother and Elsie that he was now a pirate and couldn't do anything about it. Then he told them about all the things he has done so far with the crew. "And so you see... I have to leave again... but I wanted to get a few things... and make sure you both knew... I was alright..." Elsie begins to cry, but Keima's mother just nods. "Well I'm glad you're alright... and I'm even gladder you are happy... if you really want to go then go... I'll be fine here with Elsie and Haqua." She smiles and turns to me. "So tell me is this your girlfriend? Or is this the captain or what... what's going on with her?" Keima smiles. "Well I guess I can tell you since we are both here and we probably won't be back... she's both... my captain and my girlfriend... her name is crystal..." his mother looks at me surprised. "Wow... never thought I would see the day... good for you Keima." She says smiling.

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