Chapter 14: katrina lost in the big city

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At nightfall I walk out onto the deck to see if everyonemade it back safely. I see grey and Zoro talking near the end of the ship, andcress and rock lee practicing their battle moves a little farther away. I turnand catch a glance of Sasuke staring out at the water, on the other side of theship I find Erza and Gaara talking, and Sanji getting ready to preparesomething to eat. "Has anyone seen Katrina or Death the kid?" I says lookingaround to make sure I didn't miss anyone. Sanji turns around from the doorwayand then runs over. "Patty is in trouble?" I raise my eye brow. "Patty?" Sanjinods. "Yes she was with kid she the gun girl is she in trouble because theydidn't come back?" I shrug. "I don't did they come back that's what I wasasking?" he sighs. "Oh... yes their up in the crows nest... I'm going back to thekitchen." Sanji walks away. I stand there confused. "Patty? I didn't evenmention patty and yet that what Sanji said... what the flip?"

Sasukefrom the other end of the boat hear me ask if Katrina was back yet and hestrolls over. "Did you ask if Katrina was back? Because the answer is no... Ihaven't seen her since she ran off to the library right after we got here." Helooks away pretending not to care that she isn't on the ship. "But you saidanyone not here by nightfall you would have to go find? So are you going to go findher?" he says looking back to me. I nod. "Yes I'll have to take a team and tryto locate her... I wonder where she could be... Sasuke... you, rock lee, and cressshould come with me... I'll go get Keima he knows this city better than anyone..."Sasuke darts off to go find the others while I run to my room where Keima isstill laying down. "Keima, Katrina never came back I need you to help us lookfor her." he sits up on the bed quickly. "Seriously she got herself lost intown I bet... alright I'm coming hold on." Keima saves his game and turns it offand sets it down on the bed.

Sasukestands in front of the door with lee and cress. "We're ready to leave nowcaptain." Sasuke says trying to contain his nervousness. "Alright let's go." Mysmall group runs down the streets looking for Katrina. "Katrina!" I yellcupping my hands to make my voice carry. "Katrina!" rock lee screams. Cressuses his eyes not his voice. Sasuke looks around with his Sharingan franticlysearching for her energy signature. The streets are now relatively clear atthis time so it is just us walking down empty streets. I glance at Sasuke againwho is growing more annoyed that he can't find her. Sasuke scowls at me. "Whyaren't you using your Sharingan? You have the ability you're not going to get betterby not using it. I took time out of my day to help you learn it so you betteruse it." The hostility in his voicemakes chills run down my spine. "Why are you so upset Sasuke... calm down man..."cress says looking around. Sasuke turns to cress with a flash of anger. "Noneof your business."

I use my Sharingan figuring itwould make it easier to find her. "I am grateful you are helping me learn howto use the Sharingan Sasuke... but seriously we will find her calm down..." justthen my eyes catch the glimpse of an energy both Sasuke and me turn to look atit. Sasuke darts forward and leaps over the top of a building to look down. Heshakes his head and comes back. "It wasn't her... it was just some chick... come onlet's keep looking..." rock lee and cress glance at each other and nod silentlyagreeing on something only the two of them had guessed. Then cress and rock leeleap onto the top of the building on each side of the street and run across thetops looking around. In order to keep up with them we on the ground begin torun too. Cress and rock lee yell for Katrina to come out. After a while we allstop cress and rock lee rejoin the group on the ground cress out of breath. "Weneed more training... but you did good..." rock lee says smiling at cress. Cresspauses his deep breathing for a moment and smiles then goes back to breathing."Where is she... this is weird... she's just gone..." I say looking around. Sasukegets aggravated and storms off down the street. "This is ridiculous!" hescreams pulling out his sword in frustration. "He's going to hurt somebody ifwe don't hurry up... come on guys..."

"Iwonder if she put a spell on Sasuke... she promised she wouldn't mess with thecrew though... so she couldn't have? Could she?" my mind swarms withthoughts. Then an energy up ahead catches my eye. "There she is!" I run forwardleaving my small team behind me. They blink surprised and then run after me.Standing in the middle of the street are two people one is Katrina the other ispop star kanon. I come up to them as Katrina is talking to her. "Katrina thereyou are... we were worried when you didn't come back to the ship... what's goingon?" they both turn to me. "Oh my captain! There you are! I was looking allover I'm so unbelievably lost... kanon here was giving me directions..." at thispoint the others show up and stop behind me. "kanon..." Keima says looking awayfrom her. "Katsuragi..." kanon looks away too. "Come on Katrina we got to go..." Isay trying to change the subject before Keima got hurt again.

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