Chapter 7: the city of magic part 2 - erza joins the crew

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After a few weeks of intense physical training Keima and I were finally able to use our abilities the proper way. Grey says his tearful goodbyes to all of his friends at the guild as we walk out the door. "Grey..." natsu complains not letting go of greys arm. "I can't stay natsu I told you... it's impossible..." juvia has hold of greys other arm together the two of them won't let grey leave. "Guys please your making this harder than it has to be..." Erza stands in front of grey with her hand on his forehead. "You can't go I forbid it." Lucy watches from the side standing near her blue haired friend both of them are crying.

A few other members of fairytail have blocked the door so that grey can't leave. I'm about to step in when the guild master appears. "This is not your choice my children... grey must be free to make his own choice... let him go..." everyone but natsu moves out of the way. "No your wrong old man he can't leave!" grey turns to natsu he tries to hide his sadness but it shows in his eyes. "I'm sorry but I have to go natsu..." grey pulls away from natsu and runs out of the guild stopping when he reaches us. He turns around back to the guild where everyone is now standing in the door waving goodbye. "Though I leave I swear I will never forget you..." he waves back to them. As we walk down the street he becomes more and more unstable about the whole thing and once we reach the ship he breaks down.

Collapsing on the deck of the ship. The rest of the crew stand a ways back watching me as I kneel down next to him. "Grey..." he looks up tears roll down his face. "That was the hardest thing I've ever done..." I hug him. "I know it was... but if you hadn't left the guild they would have just continued to wait for you..." he nods. "I know... but it was my home..." I look over at Keima and Gaara. "Set the sails..." the group of crew members watching dwindles as Gaara gives them each jobs to do. I turn back to grey. "You did the right thing grey... even though it was hard..." he nods. "I'm going to miss them though..." the ship begins to sail and I look up at the sky thanking the protector of this world that all my crew members managed to get off the island without any problem and also that none of greys friends had tried to stop us or worse join us.

"You didn't think you'd get rid of me that easy did you?" I frown and turn around to see Erza standing behind grey. Grey flips around so fast he falls over. "erza! What are you doing go back to the guild!" she glares at him. "You can't tell me what to do... I have decided I am coming with you... and that is that!" grey turns to me for help. "Tell her... tell her she can't come with us." I stand up and look Erza right in the eyes. "You can't come with us... I forbid it." She glares at me challenging my authority. "You can't stop me and you can't make me leave... I'm going that's the deal." I glare back at her furiously. "Your making my job difficult go back to your own world and don't come back!" Erza reequips into her purgatory armor but I don't shy away. "I'm not scared of you erza! I may not be strong enough to fight you but I'm not letting you join us!" erza puts her sword over her shoulder and then punches me while I'm distracted by the movement.

I fly across the deck and into the wall slumping down to the ground. Erza walks over to me with her sword ready. "I'm not asking I'm telling... I'm coming with you..." she is interrupted when she hears grey scream. She turns around quickly and looks but doesn't see anyone. "What's wrong with him!" she runs over to him and kneels down on the ground reequipping back into her normal armor. The shocking stops leaving grey lying on the ground breathing heavily. "Grey what... it's that thing isn't it..." she reaches for the collar to pull on it but grey grabs her hand. "Erza... go home... you're not needed here... go back to the guild..." she pulls her hand away stubbornly and grabs for it again but she is stopped by sand. I look up smiling. "Oh good... Gaara... can you... take care of this please..."

Sasuke rounds the corner and sees what's going on he turns around and yells something I can't hear then runs over to me. Gaara walks over to erza letting his sand swirl wildly around him. "I do not wish to fight you but if you do not leave I will..." erza looks back at grey who is now sitting up. "Trust me erza... you don't want to be here..." I say trying to stand but I fall back into Sasuke who catches me. "I must go I promised the guild I would look out for grey..." grey looks up at her. "No you must not stay..." she turns back to me. "Why can't I stay?" I try once more to stand up but I can feel my body rejecting the idea. "you see these erza... they link everyone on this ship to this ship... these are why grey has to leave... and they don't come off until you die... do you want one of these cause if you stay you're going to get one." She looks at grey who nods. "it's true... I've seen it happen... those two other girls Liz and patty... the second they joined..."

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