Mixed Emotions

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*John Lennon*

George had left suddenly, leaving me alone with Paul once again. Paul was looking at the door, trying to comprehend what had just happened. He leaned against the wall and scratched his head a little. His hair got a little messy after this action. His eyes were fixed at the closed door, deep in thought almost as if he was going through all the possible explanations. He looked nice, all dressed and clean. Tall, thin, dashing. Wait, what?

"John?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. I sat up straight and tried to look back at him calmly. He looked at me like he was expecting an answer.

"I'm sorry, what?" It was all I could say.

He chuckled a little bit. "I was wondering if you wanted to go get some food. You did say you were starving, right?"

"Uh, yeah. Right! Let's go!" I practically jumped out of my chair and headed for the door.

"Wait..." Paul said before I could turn the doorknob.

"Yeah, Paul?"

He looked at me again. This time I didn't say anything. What was I suppose to say? He wasn't looking at me the way he had looked at me a second ago. He looked...worried.

"Paul? Is something wrong?"

He smiled and turned away. "I'd ask you the same thing. You seemed a bit distracted a few moments ago. That is until I said your name four times."

Oh, this was embarrassing. "No, I'm okay." I looked around, trying to find a good explanation. "Like you said earlier, just tired." The best I could think of, of course.

Paul looked back at me, then at the door. "So, breakfast?" He smiled and passed me towards the door.

"Yes please!" I had forgotten how hungry I was!

Breakfast was toast, sausage, and eggs. All with a nice warm cup of morning tea. George and Ringo had joined us only moments after we had arrived.

"Looking like a busy week, then." Ringo spoke first as we sat

"Shows every night for 5 out of the 7 days this week? No, it's an easy week." I replied. Paul winked sarcastically as he took a drink of his tea.

"Very funny. I'm serious. I want to sleep in! I want to see my family! The days we aren't preparing for a show, we are at a press conference or 'meeting important people'." Ringo looked down at his arms; hand to elbow placed firmly on the table, his hands folded into a fist.

"Oh Ringo, you need to take a breather. Besides, isn't this what we wanted in the first place?" George tried to console him, softly patting his shoulder. Ringo sighed and nodded, looking back up with a smile. He looked back at his plate and started to eat. I suppose we took this as a cue, as we realized we hadn't started eating until we saw Ringo pick up his fork.

"Mmm, I was so hungry and I hadn't realized!" Paul said, looking at his food, the hunger clearly in his eyes. His eyes were beautiful. Why hadn't I noticed? It seemed so perfect; Where he was sitting, the sun made his eyes twinkle like beautiful stars. I suppose I must have been staring long enough and hadn't realized George giggling.

"Why, there is only one explanation, Ringo." He seemed to be explaining something to Ringo. "John is in love, you know?" I shot him a look, and then decided it would be best to play along. Sarcasm was the best choice in hiding feelings.

"Oh, I'm sorry Paulie. I suppose I must agree with everyone when they say you are a Princess." Paul was looking at me now, smiling.

"You didn't have to tell me Johnny," He flipped his hair, "I already know." He had a sly smirk on his face.

I looked at George, who was grinning ear to ear. He knew something; I had told him that I was confused about...Paul. My feelings. What was happening, I didn't know. But I had to tell someone right then and there. I couldn't've told Paul, all hell would get loose. I told George, who could keep a secret, I hoped.

"I told you our John was in love." George looked over at Ringo, winking very sarcastically.

"Ha! Paul wishes I was in love with him!" I said, grinning at Paul. He lifted one eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh poor Johnny, you must be head over heels for me. But, I don't blame you. You only wish you could get me in bed. After all, you wouldn't be the first." He said, winking.

"Paul, I--" No, don't say anything. It was as if his words had been triggers to tell him how I felt. But no, not now anyway, "Hmm, alright then." I smiled, trying to hide anything that may give away what I had been thinking.


A/N: What do you think? Please let me know! It'll get more exciting... I promise ;)

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