Getting Back

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A few days later, John was sitting in his house. Cynthia was making dinner and Julian was playing in the living room with his blocks again. John watched him, smiling. He was his son. He knew the right thing to do was be here for him. John wondered if his father ever thought this way. Did he ever see John playing and decided his duty was to protect him.

No, he probably never did. He probably didn't want the responsibility.

And because of this, John felt even more responsible for his son.

John continued to think as Julian mumbled mismatched sounds and words. Then the phone started to ring, and John stood up and walked towards it.

"Hello." He answered.

"Hey John, it's Brian!" Brian's voice was cheerful and he sounded excited to be talking to John.

"Oh, hi! How have you been?"

"Very well, thank you. And yourself?"

John thought of his words carefully, "Ready to get back into things." This statement had so many meanings to him.

"Great! Then you'll be happy to hear my request."

"I'm listening."

"I want you lads to get back in the studio soon. I know we took our break from recording in order to tour in America, but now we need to finish this album."

"Really? What's the rush?"

"It'd be great to have the album done by June. You know, before we start the film."

John nodded his head. Right, he had forgotten about the film.

"Oh. Right. Have you talked to the others?"

"Just Paul. He mentioned you two were working on songs anyway, correct?"

John looked at the floor beneath his feet, and nodded, "Yeah, we have been."

"Great! I was thinking we could go in again next week and get things worked out. What do you think?"

"Alright, sure." He wasn't completely sure how he felt about it quite yet.

"Perfect. I'll talked to the other lads then. Goodbye!"


With that, John retrieved back to the couch in the living room. Julian looked up at him, offering him one of his blocks. John smiled and took it. He decided to sit on the floor.

"Want to see something?" He asked his son. Julian stared back at John as he showed him the block he had in hand. John proceeded to collect all the blocks and build a tall pyramid. Julian watched, amazed by the what seemed to him as fine architecture.

John placed the last block on the top of the pyramid and looked at Julian. His son had a grin so wide, the corners of his mouth seemed to touch his ears.

"Magnificent, ain't it?" John reached for the small ball that was hiding by the foot of the coffee table, "Now, watch this." He threw the ball at the center of his creation, and the blocks came tumbling down. The ball hit the wall behind the blocks, and sent a loud thump echoing throughout the room.

He looked for Julian's reaction, and he was very satisfied. Julian's face showed amusement and he kicked his feet and clapped his hands with excitement.

Cynthia came running in, "What happened? Is he alright?" She looked at Julian, and then at the scattered blocks. John looked up at her, still smiling.

"Yes, he's quite alright. We were only playing." John looked at the mess in front of him, keeping his smile.

"Why was it so loud? It terrified me out of my skin!"

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