I Need My Love To Be Here

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*Paul McCartney*

I was drenched in sweat when I awoke. My cheeks stained with drying tears. John had shook me awake. I sat up, and he panicked when he saw I was crying.

"Paul, oh my god. Paulie, what's wrong, babe? Oh god, come here." He held me so tight, I would've complained any other day. But, oh, the relief I felt to touch him; to know he was okay and still here, with me.

I didn't speak. I only clutched onto him and wept. His warmth and his breath on my neck was what I needed in that moment.

"Paul? Baby, what happened? What's got you like this?" He cared so much, and I appreciated every second of his concern. But, all I wanted was to hold him, and hear him breathing; feel his breathing. To know he was alive, well, and by my side was all.

John laid me back on my bed, wiping the tears that had made it half-way down my cheek. I looked at him in awe. There he was. He was alright. Damn, he was more than alright. He was gorgeous. He was everything I needed.

"John..." I managed to breathe out, and reached my hand out to stroke his cheek. He closed his eyes and sighed at my touch, and I smiled. He was still here with me.

"Paul. Damn, what's happening?" He whispered, laying down next to me, but never breaking his gaze with mine. I took a deep breath, and wrapped an arm around his torso, pulling him close to me. He didn't object, rather allowed himself to be moved. I kissed him, gently at first, then passionately, holding on to his thin shirt, as if to make sure he wouldn't slip away. I felt his hands running through my hair, and heard his soft moans as I kissed his neck. Before it went further, I pulled back, and admired his flushed face and messy hair. He was smiling, his eyes closed. I bit my lip, and touched his soft face again.

"Johnny, promise me you'll never leave me. Please. I love you more than anything. I'd do anything for you. But, please, don't leave me alone. I need you here, by me." I must've sounded desperate, and vulnerable. But, to say the truth, I was. Seeing those things that the nightmare had brought a new appreciation for who I had in my life. I needed it to stay that way.

"Paul. I hope you've realize I don't like sounding soft," He smiled, "But for you, I'll be anything. I could never leave you. In fact, I'm more afraid you'll leave me and my stupid mistakes and moody personality. I love you, Paul. I won't leave you." He leaned down to kiss me again, but I stopped him, pressing a finger on his awaiting lips. He raised an eyebrow in question.

"John. I've had the most terrible dream..."


*George Harrison*

I woke up cold. It was a cold and quiet morning. I struggled to opened my eyes, but I hadn't slept so good in weeks! Months, even. I pulled up my covers to my neck, and closed my eyes again.

"Georgie, wake up!" I opened my eyes again. Ringo was above me, looking down at me as I woke up.

"Why? What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes. I wasn't ready to get up yet.

"About 8:30 a.m. and I can't find John or Paul. I knocked on John's door, but no one answered."

I nodded, and sat up slowly, Ringo moving next to me and sitting on my bed. Then I realized he had gotten into my room.

"How'd you manage to get in here, again?"

He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a shining key, "You gave me the extra, remember?" He winked and laughed, putting the key back in his pocket.

"Huh. Did I? Well, I may be regretting that decision." I smirked, leaning back onto the pillows once again.

"Oh really?" Ringo moved above me again. I was shocked at first, but I eased into it when he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him down towards me. Unfortunately, that lasted but a second.

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